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Project Profiles

Project profiles:

A Different Reality: Minority Struggle in British Cities

Alterglobalisation Movement

African Migrant Women

Community Media: A Comparative Study

Economic Development within the South Yorkshire BME Community

Ethnic Identity and Citizenship with Special Reference to Muslims in Britain and Europe

Ethnic Minorities and the British Electoral System

Ethnic Minority Specific Youth Crime: Prevention and Good Practice

Geography of Poor Skills and Access to Work

Harnessing Africa’s Brain Drain and Diaspora for its Development in the Nepad-United

Immigrants and Refugees

Immigration in Rome

Institutions for the Economic Participation of Refugees (Refeco)

Integration Indicators and Generational Change

La gestion des émeutes: leçons d'Outre Manche

Managing Diversity in Northern Towns

Minority Formation and Cultural Diversity in European Nation-states

Muslim Councils in the UK and France

Muslim Women and Politics in Britain and France

Muslims in European Prisons

National Employment Strategies towards migrants and ethnic minorities (NatEmp)

New Incomer Communities - Housing Demands & Associated Needs

Overview of the immigration, integration and asylum and refugee policies of EU member states (MigPol)

Prevention and fight against trafficking: institutional developments in Europe (RefTra)

Profile of the Housing and Socio-Economic Circumstances of BME People in Wales 1991-2001

Race Relations Legislation in Britain and France

Refugee Women: the reception and integration regimes in Europe (RefWom)

Regional Profiles of the Workforce by Ethnicity and Migrant Workers

The Equity of GP provision in Coventry

The Evidence Base on Faith Communities

The Peculiarities of the Balkan Political Culture

The Social Geography of South Asians in Britain

Transnationalism and Development

Traumatised Refugees in Europe