John Rex's Publications
This is a complete list of publications by John Rex, Professor Emeritus at CRER.
[Books] [Contributions to Books] [Articles] [Shorter Articles] [Conference Papers] [Other Writing] [Editorial Work] |
- 1961, Key Problems of Sociological Theory, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, pp.194.
- 1970, German
- 1970, Japanese
- 1970, Spanish
- 1970, Portuguese
- 1967, (With Robert Moore), Race, Community and Conflict, Oxford, pp.304. (Reprinted as Open University Text, 1975).
- 1970 Race Relations in Sociological Theory, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, pp.161.
- 1973 Race, Colonialism and the City, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, pp.310.
- 1973 Discovering Sociology, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, pp.278.
- 1973 Sociology and the Demystification of the Modern World, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, pp.271.
- 1976, Spanish
- 1974 (Editor), Approaches to Sociology, Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp.302. Author of Introduction, pp.1-12 and Chapter, 'Social Structure and Humanistic Sociology', London, pp.187-205
- 1979 (With Sally Tomlinson), Colonial Immigrants in Great Britain - A Class Analysis, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, pp.357.
- 1981 Social Conflict, A Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis, Longmans, London, pp.131
- 1983, Spanish
- 1981 (Editor) Apartheid and Social Research, U.N.E.S.C.O., Paris, pp.199.
- 1983 Race Relations in Sociological Theory, New Edition with Additional Material, London, pp.208.
- 1983, Japanese
- 1985, Malay
- 1986 (Co-editor with David Mason) Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations, Cambridge University Press, pp.350.
- 1986 Race and Ethnicity, Open University Press, 1986, Milton Keynes, pp.148.
- 1985, Portuguese
- 1996, Chinese
- 1998, Romanian
- 1987 The Ghetto and the Underclass, Gower, pp.140.
- 1987 (Co-editor with Joly D. and Wilpert C:) Immigrant Associations in Europe, Gower, pp.247.
- 1991 Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Mobilisation in Britain, Research Monograph No.5, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, Coventry, pp.129.
- 1994 (Co-editor with Beatrice Drury) Ethnic Mobilisation in a Multi-Cultural Europe, Avebury Aldershot, pp.178.
- 1996 Ethnic Minorities in the Modern Nation State - Working Papers in the Theory of Multi-Culturalism and Political Integration in European Cities, MacMillan Basingstoke. pp.258.
- 1994 European (joint editor with R. Pohoryles, L Giorgi, H Kreutz, and P Schlesinger) Transformation: Five Decisive Years at the Turn of the Century, Avebury, Aldershot, pp.411.
- 1997 (Co-editor with Montserrat Guibernau) The Ethnicity Reader: Migration, Nationalism and Multiculturalism, Polity Press, Cambridge.
- 2004 (co-editor with Singh, G.) The Governance of Multicultural Societies, Ashgate, Aldershot.
- 2005 Ethnicité et citoyenneté - La sociologie des sociétés multiculturelles, L'Harmattan, Paris.
Contribution to Books
- 1966 'Abhangigkeitsbeziehungen von Ideologie Theorie und Methode in der Soziologie', in M. Thiel (ed.), Enzyklopadie der Geisteswissen-schaftlichen Arbeitsmethoden, R. Oldenbourg, Munich, pp.225-245.
- 1968 'The Sociology of the Zone of Transition', in R. Pahl (ed.), Readings in Urban Sociology, Pergamon Press, pp.211-232.
- 1968 'Frederik Engels', 'Emile Durkheim', and 'Max Weber', in T. Raison (ed.), The Founding Fathers of Sociology, Pelican, 1968, pp.68-75, 123-134 and 170-177.
- 1968 'The Race Relations Catastrophe', in Burgess T (ed.), Matters of Principle, Penguin, pp.170-183.
- 1969 'Race as a Social Category', in Journal of Biosocial Science Supplement 1, pp.145-152.
- 1970 'The Concept of Race in Sociological Theory', in S. Zubaida (ed.), Race and Racialism, Tavistock, pp.35-55.
- 1971 'Typology and Objectivity - A Comment on Weber's Four Sociological Methods', in A. Sahay (ed.), Max Weber and Modern Sociology, Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp.17- 36.
- 1971 'Inter-Ethnic Relations in an Urban Context . An Example of a Theoretical Model', Ethnies, vol. 1, Mouton, Paris, La Haye, pp.191-203.
- 1972 'Nature Versus Nurture - The Significance of the Revived Debate', in Richardson and Spears (eds.), Race, Culture and Intelligence, Harmondsworth, pp.167-178.
- 1972 'New Minorities in Scandinavia', in Etniska Minoriteter, 1, Norden, Lund.pp.
- 1973 Hungarian translation of (2) above in Varossoziozogia, Kozgazdasagi es Konyvkiado, Budapest, pp.203-224.
- 1974 'The Plural Society: the South African Case', in Leftwich A (ed.), South Africa: Economic Growth and Political Change, Allison and Busby, London, pp.44-59.
- 1974 'Capitalism, Elites and the Ruling Class', in Giddens and Stamworth (eds.) Elites and Power in British Society, Cambridge University Press, pp.208-219.
- 1974 'Black Intellectuals and Black Bourgeoisie', in B. Parekh (ed.), Colour, Consciousness and Culture, London, pp.
- 1975 'Racialism and the Urban Crisis', in Race, Science and Society, Leo Kuper (ed.), U.N.E.S.C.O. Press, George Allen and Unwin, pp.262-300.
- 1976 'Racial Conflict in The City - The Experience of Birmingham, England 1962- 1975' in Clarke S. and Obler J., Urban Ethnic Conflict, Institute for Research in Social Science, Chapel Hill, N. Carolina, pp.132-163.
- 1977 'New Nations and Ethnic Minorities', in U.N.E.S.C.O., Race and Class in Post- Colonial Society, Paris, pp.11-50.
- 1979 'Black Militancy and Class Conflict', in Miles and Phizacklea, Racism and Political Action in Britain, pp.72-92.
- 1979 'Racism and Education' in The Childs Right to Education, U.N.E.S.C.O., Paris, pp.119-128.
- 1979 'Race Relations Theory and the Study of Migration in Advanced Industrial Societies' in Berting, Geyer and Jurkovich, Problems in International Comparative Research in the Social Sciences, Pergamon Press, London, pp.16-23.
- 1980 'The Theory of Race Relations - A Weberian Approach', in U.N.E.S.C.O., Sociological Theories: Race and Colonialism, Paris, pp.117-142.
- 1980 'Immigrants and British Labour - The Sociological Context' in Hosts Immigrants and Minorities, (ed.) Kenneth Lunn. Wm. Dawson, Folkestone, pp.232-238.
- 1980 'Social Science Research - A Neo-Kantian Perspective' in Social Research and Public Policy - Three Perspectives, Social Research Association, London, pp.25-52.
- 1980 'Contribution to International Commentary' in Bryce-Laporte R., Sourcebook on the New Immigration, Transaction Books Brunswick, New Jersey, pp.475-477.
- 1981 'Urban Segregation and Inner City Policy in Britain' in Peach, Ceri, (ed.), Ethnic Segregation in Cities, Croome Helm, London, pp.25-43.
- 1981 'Aims and Objectives', in Craft, Maurice (ed.), Teaching in a Multi-Cultural Society, Falmer Press, Brighton, pp.36-52.
- 1981 'Max Weber' in Wintle, Justin (ed.), Makers of Modern Culture, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, pp.550-552.
- 1982 'Convergences in the Sociology of Race Relations and Minority Groups' in Bottomore, Tom, et al (eds.) Sociology, The State of the Art, Sage Publications, London, pp.173-201.
- 1982 'Racism and the Structure of Colonial Societies' in Robert Ross (ed.), Racism and Colonialism, Nijhoff M, The Hague, pp.199-218.
- 1982 'West Indian and Asian Youth in Britain - Some Research Perspectives' in Cashmore, Ernest and Troyna, Barry, (ed.) Black Youth in Crises, Allen and Unwin, London, pp.53-71.
- 1982 'Racial Conflict and the Inner City' in Cross and Rex (eds.), Black Unemployment, the Inner City and Racial Conflict - Papers submitted to the Scarman Tribunal, Working Paper No. 16, SSRC Research Unit on Ethnic Relations, University of Aston, Birminghsm, pp.1-14.
- 1982 'Three Stages of Immigrant Housing and Community in Birmingham, England', in Solomos, J, (ed.), Migrant Workers in Metropolitan Cities, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, pp.101-117.
- 1983 'Race', in Bottomore T. (ed.) A Dictionary of Marxist Thought, (Second, revised edition, 1991), Oxford, pp.405-407
- 1983 'Race and the Urban System' in Iverson (ed.), Urbanism and Urbanization, Brill, E.J., Leyden, pp.89-106.
- 1983 Foreword to the 1983 Edition of Benedict, R., Race and Racism, Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp.ix-xiii.
- 1984 'Conflict and Community Survival' in Fried, L., (ed.), Minorities Community and Identity, Dahlem Foundation, Berlin, pp.119-132.
- 1984 'Disadvantage and Discrimination in Cities' in Benyon, J., (ed.), Scarman and After, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp.191-199.
- 1984 'Trzydziesci Tez O Epistemologii I O Metodsie U Sociologii' in E Mokrzycki (ed.) Kryzys I Schisma, vol.2, Pauswowy Institut Wydarzilzy Warsaw, pp.137-153.
- 1984 'Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations' in U.N.E.S.C.O., Yearbook of Peace and Conflict Studies, U.N.E.S.C.O., Paris, pp.47-78.
- 1984 'Theories and Balance in the Inner City' in International Federation for Housing and Planning, 1984 Papers and Proceedings 37th World Congress, Berlin (U), The Hague.
- 1985 'Race and the Inner City' in Commission for Racial Equality, Five Views of Multi-Racial Britain, London.
- 1985 'Law and Order in Multi-Racial Areas - The Problem After Scarman' in Law and Order in British Politics, (ed.) Norton, Phillip, pp.100-115.
- 1985 'Integratie, Multiculturalise, en Ethnische en Rassentegenstelling' in Ethnische Minderheden - Wetenschap En Beleid, (ed.) Weiland, Sperna J. and Pailinck Boom Meppel, J.H.P., Amsterdam, pp.11-26.
- 1985 'Equality of Opportunity and the Ethnic Minority Child in British Schools'. Modgil S et al (ed.) Multi-Cultural Education - The Interminable Debate, Falmer Press, pp.205- 219.
- 1986 'The Pattern of Acculturation Amongst Asian and West Indian Descended Youth in Britain' in Urban Quality of Life Social, Psychological and Physical Conditions, Walter de Gauyrer, New York and Berlin, pp.121-133.
- 1986 'Life in The Ghetto' in Benyon J. and Solomos J., The Roots of Urban Unrest, Pergamon Press, pp.103-111.
- 1986 'The Heritage of Slavery and Social Disadvantage' in Brock C. (ed.), The Caribbean in Europe, Cass Frank, London, pp.111-136.
- 1987 'Ethnic and Race Relations' in Worsley P. (ed.), The New Introducing Sociology, Pelican Books, Harroldsworth, pp.323-365.
- 1987 'Twenty Years of Racialism and Multi-Racialism' in Taylor Brian, (ed.), Michael Durrett Contributions to Philosophy, Nijhoff M., Dordrecht, pp.200-219.
- 1987 'Multi-Culturalism, Anti-Racism and Equality of Opportunity in the Swann Report' in Chivers, T.S., (ed.), Race and Culture in Education, Windsor, pp.1-16.
- 1988 'The Urban Sociology of Religion and Islam in Birmingham' in Gerholm, T. and Lithman, Y., (eds.), The New Islamic Presence in Europe, Mansell, London.
- 1989 'Equality of Opportunity, Multi-Culturalism, Anti-Racism and Education for All' in Verma, G. (ed.), Education for All, London, pp.11-25.
- 1990 '"Rasse" und "Ethnizitat"' als Socialwissenschaftlike Konzepte' in Dittrich E.J. and Radtke F.O., Ethnizitat, Wissenschaft und Minderheiten, West Deutsche Verlag, Opladen, Germany, pp.141-154.
- 1990 'L'Atteggiamento Verso Gli Immigrati in Gran Bretagna' in Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Italia, Europa E Nuove Immigrazioni, Agnelli Foundation, Turin, Italy, pp.67-86.
- 1990 'Le Problems De Politiques D'Integration' in Agence Poor Le-Devellopement Des Relations Interculturelles, L'Inegration Des Minorities Et Immigres en Europe, pp.97- 107, Paris.
- 1990 'The Integration of Immigrant Youth in British Society' in Norrkoping Statens Invanddarvert, Flyktingungdomars Och Andra Generation - Invandrarungdomags Situation i Norden, Norrkoping, Sweden, pp.41-49.
- 1991 'Multi-Culturalism, Anti-Racism and Equality of Opportunity in Britain' in Nile R. (ed.), Immigration and the Politics of Ethnicity and Race in Australia and Britain, Sir Robert Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, London, pp.98-108
- 1992 'Race and Ethnicity in Europe' in Social Europe, Bailey J. (ed), Longmans, London, pp.106-120.
- 1992 'Neo-Kantianism and The Conception of Structure' in Martins H. (ed.), Knowledge and Passion - Essays Presented to John Rex, Taurus Books, pp.250-270.
- 1993 'Religion and Ethnicity in the Metropolis' in Barot, R. (ed.), Religion and Ethnicity - Minorities and Social Change in The Metropolis, Kok Pharos, Kampen, Netherlands, pp.
- 1993 'Strategies Anti-Racistes en Europe', in Michel Wieviorka (ed) Racisme e Modernité, La Decouvert, Paris 1993, pp. 327-344.
- 1993 'The Neo-Kantian Approach to Structure', in Herminio Martins (ed), Knowledge and Passion, Essays in Honour of John Rex, I.B. Taurus, London 1993, pp. 250-267.
- 1993 'The Political Sociology of a Multi-Cultural Society in A. Sandar, (ed)., Multiculturality - Welfare of Warfare, Papers in Anthropological Linguistics, Centre for Culture Contact and International Migration, University of Gothenberg.
- 1993 'Chancengleicheit und Multikulturelle Gesellschaft in Grotbrittannien', in Friederich Ebert Stiftung Forschungsinstitut, Gersprachskreis Arbeit und Sociales No 22, (Ed G Schultze), Partizipationchancen Ethnischer Minderheiten.
- 1994 'La Sociologica Politica di una Societa Multiculturale: I'esempio Britannico' in Bonazzi Tizanio, Michael Dunne, Cittadinanza Dirittii neele Societa Multicultrali, il Mulino, Bologna, pp.121-144.
- 1994 Introduction to King, John, Three Asian Associations in Britain, Research Monograph No.8, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, Coventry, pp.1-5.
- 1994 'Ethnic Mobilisation in a Multi-Cultural Europe: Introduction: the Problem Stated', and 'Conclusion: The Future of Multi-Culturalism in Europe', in Rex and Drury, Ethnic Mobilisation in a Multi-Cultural Europe, Aldershot, Avebury, pp.3-13 and pp.155- 166.
- 1994 'Ethnic Mobilisation in a Multi-Cultural Society' in G. Pohoryles, J. Rex, H. Kreutz and P. Schlesinger (eds), European Transformation: Five Decisive Years at the Turn of the Century, Avebury: Aldershot, pp.214-226.
- 1994 'The Political Sociology of a Multi-Cultural Society', in Multi-Culturalism and the State, Volume 1, Collected Seminar Papers No 47, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London.
- 1994 'The Case for and Against Research on Muslims in Britain', CSIC Papers, Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Birmingham, pp.1-6.
- 1995 'L'Islam dans des dynamiques multiraciales et multi-culturelles' in R. Bistolfi, and F. Zabbal (eds) Islams d'europe, Paris: Editions de l'Aube.
- 1995 Reprint of 'The Political Sociology of Multi-Cultural Societies' in Hjarno (ed) Multi-Culturalism in Nordic Societies, Esberg: Tema/Nord.
- 1995 'The Problem of Multi-Cultural Societies in Western and Eastern Europe' in Belgrade Institute of Social Sciences and University of Essex, Nationalism and Minorities, Belgrade.
- 1995 'The Political Sociology of la Multi-Cultural Society' in Dunne, M., and Bopnazzi, T., Citizenship and Rights in Multi-Cultural Societies Keele University Press.
- 1995 'National and Ethnic Minority Cultures - The Potentiality for Conflict' in Bundesministerium fur Wissenschaften, Fremden, Feindilchkeit, Symposium '94, Vienna, pp.239-260.
- 1996 'La Metropoli Multicultural: La Experienca Brittanica' in Espinosa (ed) Culturalas Estados, Ciudadano, Una Aproximacion al Multiculturailismo en Europea, Alianza Editorial, Madrid pp.197-224.
- 1996 "Ethnic Minority Mobilisation and Social Transformation in Europe" in Badw, K.J., Migration Ethnizitat Konflikt, University of Osnabruck, Rechtsrager : Rasch, Druckert und Verlag GmbH & Co, K.G. Bramsche pp 89-102.
- 1997 "Discovering Sociology" in The Student's Companion to Sociology, (edited by Gubbay, Middleton and Ballard), Blackwells, Oxford, pp 4-9.
- 1997 "Conflitti Etnici e Razziali nella Fortrezza Europa" in Razzismo e Societa Plurientica - Conflitti Etnici e Razzismi Giovanili in Europa, a curia di Luigi Tomasi, Franco Angeli, Milan.
- 1997 "Multiculturalism in Europe and North America" in Isajiw, Wsevolod Multiculturalism in North America and Europe: Comparative Perspectives on Interethnic Relations and Social Incorporation, Canadian Scholars Press, Toronto. ISBN 1-55130-101-6.
- 1998 "Race and Ethnicity in Europe" in Joe Bailey (ed), Social Europe, Longman, London. Revised version of previous article in revised version of book. Original versions published in 1992 (see 57 above).
- 1998 "Transnational Migrant Communities and the Modern Nation State" in Roland Axtman (ed), Globalisation and Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, pp 59-76, (Cassel-Pinter), London.
- 1998 "Macro-Political and Micro-Social Aspects of Multiculturalism" in Jakzic Bodizar (ed) Rasizami Ksenofobija, pp 157-169. Papers for the International Conference on Interculturality versus Racism and Xenophobia, Belgrade, 17-19 May 1997, held in conjuction with the Council of Europe Confidence Building Programme.
- 1998 "Ethnic and Race Issues" in Amesberger, G., Schorgburger, K. and Krehan, E-M. (eds), Youth and Social Work on the Move, Institute of Sport Sciences, University of Vienna.
- 1998 "Multiculturalism and Political Integration in Europe" in Martiniello, M. (ed), Multicultural Policies and the State, European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Utrecht, pp 11-24.
- 1998 "Multiculturalism in Europe and North America" in Azzolini, L. and Benzoni, M. (eds), Proceedings of the Commission of History of International Relations, Unicolpi, Miland and Le Presses Universotaires Cannadiennes, Montreal.
- 1998 "The Political Sociology of a Multicultural Society" in Joly, D. (ed), Scapegoats and Social Actors, Macmillan, Basingstoke.
- 1998 "Comment traduire la solidarite anti-raciste das la vie politique? in Europe contre le Racisme. Report of a conference organised by Forum Alternatives Europeenes, Aubervilliers, France, pp 44-46.
- 1998 "Multikultralitat als Normals moderner Stadtgesllschaften. Bertrachen zur sozialen und politischen Integration ethnische Minderheden" in Heitmeyer, W., Dollase, R. and Backes, O. (eds), Die Krise der Stadte, Edition Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, pp 123-144.
- 1999 "The Relevance of Tolerance in Kosovo" in Bozdar Jaksic (ed), Tolerance, Republika, Belgrade, Zahumska 7. pp 273-275.
- 1999 "Political Sociology and Cultural Studies in the Study of Migrant Communities in Europe" in Gundara, J. (ed), Interculturalism in Europe: Social Diversity and Social Policy within the European Union, Ashgate, Aldershot.
- 1999 "Multiculturalism and Political Integration in European Cities" in Boje, Thomas, Vansteenburgen, Bart and Walby European Societies: Fusion or Fission, Routledge, London and New York.
- May 2000 "The Integration of Immigrants and Refugees in European Societies", in Appelt, E., and Jarosch, M. (eds) Combatting Racial Discrimination - Affirmative Action as a Model for Europe, Berg Publications, Oxford and New York.
- June 2000 "Political Sociology and Cultural Studies in the Study of Migrant Communities in Europe", in Gundara, J. and Jacobs, S. (eds) Intercultural Europe: Social Diversity and Social Policy Within the European Union, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp 63-78.
- December 2000 "Multiculturalism and Political Integration in European Cities" in Multicultural Cities Challenging and Defending the Fortress: Political Mobilisation Over Ethnic Difference in Comparative and Transnational Perspective, edited by Paul Statham and Rood Koopmans, published by Oxford University Press.
- 2000 reprints "The Theory of Race Relations - A Weberian Approach", pp 14-39 vol 1 , "Ethnic Identity and the Nation State", pp 161-174 vol 3, "Ethnic Mobilisation in a Multicultural Society", pp 593-602 vol 3,"The Second Project of Ethnicity: Transnational Communities and Ethnic Minorities in Modern Multicultural Societies" in M.Cross (ed) The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Mass.
- 2001, "Multiculturalism" in A. Leoussi (editor) Encylopaedia of Nationalism, Transaction Publishers, London and News Brunswick, pp 192-204.
- 2002, "Islam in the United Kingdom" in "Islam, Europe's Second Religion", edited by Shireen Hunter, published by Praeger, Westport, USA in conjunction with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, pp 51-76.
- 2002, "Race, Ethnicity and Class in different political and intellectual conjunctures" in Ethnicity and Economy: 'Race and Class' Revisited edited by Harriet Bradley and Steve Fenton, published by Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2002, pp 31-41.
- 2002, "The fundamentals of the theory of ethnicity", S.Malesevic and M. Haugaard (editors), Making Sense of Collectivity; Ethnicity, Nationalism and Globalisation, Pluto Press, London, pp 88-121.
- 2003, two articles in Integration of Families of Foreign Origin, published by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Berlin. "Concepts, perspectives, problems facing integration policy especially with regard to families" pp 28-46 and "Multicultural institutions in a democratic and egalitarian society" pp 74-77.
- 2003, "Integration Policy in the United Kingdom", in Friederich Heckmman and Dominique Schnapper, The Integration of
Immigrants in European Societies, National Differences and Trends of Convergence, Lucius &Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, pp 79-114. - 2003, "Multiculturalism in Western and Eastern Europe" in Smekal, V., Gray, H., and Lewis, C., (editors) Together we will Learn: Ethnic Minorities and Education, Barrister and Principal, Brno. pp 145-151.
- 2004, "The Theory of Multicultural Societies" and "Pluralism in Colonial and Post-Colonial Society" in Rex, J., and Singh, G. (editors) The Governnance of Multicultural Socieities, Ashgate, Aldershot.
- 2004, "Multiculturalism and Political Integration in Modern Nation States" in Gorny, A., and Ruspini, P., Migration in the New Europe: East-West Revisited, Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp 93-10.
- 2005, "Afterword" in (editor Tahir Abbas) Muslim Britain: Communities Under Pressure, Zed Books, London, pp 245-253.
- 2005, Preface to Chinese Identities, Ethnicity and Cosmopolitanism, Routledge, London.
- 2006, "Plural Societies" in George Ritzer (chief editor) Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology, Blackwells, Oxford.
- 2006 "Multiculturalismus v Zapadni a vychodni Europe", in Cast 2, Podpora Optomalniho, Rozvoje Osobenosti, Ceti Z Prostredi Minorit (Editor Vladimir Smekel) edice psychologie, nakadetelstvi, Barrister & Principal, Brno Czech Republic. pp 13-19.
- 2006 "Epilogue" to Chinese Identities, Ethnicity and Cosmopolitanism, jointly written by Chan Kwok Bun, Routledge, London.
- 2006 "The Nature of Ethnicity in the Project of Migration" in Giugni, M. and Passet, F. (Editors) Dialogues on Migration Policy, Lexington Books, Lanham, USA and Oxford, UK, pp 121-136.
- 2006 "Introducao: razao semproe tecnologia em Herminio Martins" in Razao, Tempo e Tecnologia. Rdtudos eh Homenagem a Herminio Martins, pp 13-50.
- 2006 "Will Secular Religions Continue" in Boyadjieva et al (Editors) Worlds in Sociology, St.Climent Ohridski University Press, Sofia pp 530-537.
- 2007 "Immigrazioa eta Herritartasuna, Britania Handian" in: MIGRAZIOAK: Mugikortasun berriak mugitzen ari den muduan, Ikuspegi, Bilbao. ISBN-84-8373-879-1.
- 2009 "The Place of Durkheim's Elementary Forms of Religious Life in the development of the Sociology of Religion, in Sociology pf Law: The 150th anniversary of Emile Durkkeim, 1858 to 1907, Canadian Scholars Publishing, Toronto and London. ISBN (13) 1-4438-0502-5.
- 1954 'Apartheid in the South African Universities', Universities Quarterly, vol 8, no.4, August, pp.333-344.
- 1959 'The Plural Society in Sociological Theory', British Journal of Sociology, vol. X, No.2, June 1959, pp.114-124.
- 1959 'Social Statistics for Mid-Century Britain', Yorkshire Bulletin of Social and Economic Research, vol. 11, No.1, July pp.56-59.
- 1968 'The Social Segregation of the Immigrant in British Cities', Political Quarterly, vol. 39, pp.15-24.
- 1968 'Comment on BBC Treatment of Race Relations Topics', BBC Written Archives Centre, London.
- 1968 'Economic Growth and Decline and their Consequences for the Sociology of Planning', Town and Country Planning Association Summer School Proceedings (Town Planning Institute), pp.28-33.
- 1969 'Sociology and Planning - A Dialogue', The Municipal Review, vol. 40, pp.95-97.
- 1969 'Race as a Social Category', Journal of Bio-Social Science, Supplement 1, pp.145-162.
- 1970 'The Concept of Housing Class and the Sociology of Race Relations', Race, vol. XII, No.4, pp.293-301.
- 1970 'The Spread of the Pathology of Natural Science to the Social Sciences', in Sociology of Sociology, (ed.) Merton Robert, Sociological Review Monographs, No.16, Keele, pp.243-262.
- 1971 'The Plural Society - The South African Case', Race, vol. XII, No.3, pp.401- 413.
- 1971 'The Compound, the Reserve and the Location - the Essential Institutions of South African Labour Exploitation', South African Labour Bulletin, vol. 1, No.4, pp.7-17.
- 1971 'Inter-ethnic relations in an urban context: an example of theoretical model', Ethnies, vol. 1, Paris, pp.191-203.
- 1972 'New minorities in Scandanavia', in Etniska Minoriteter, 1, Norden, Lund.
- 1972 'Social Stratification - Power', in New Society, 5 October, pp. 23-26.
- 1973 'Race Relations Research and Racial Justice', Race, vol. XIV, No. pp.481-488.
- 1975 'Nations, Nationalism and Social Scientist', in Transactions of The Royal Society to Canada, Fourth Series, vol. XIII, pp.51-67.
- 1975 'Revisiting Weber' in Sociology, vol. 9, No.3, pp.503-506.
- 1975 'The Sociology of South Africa - A Review Article' in Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 1, No.2, pp.247-252.
- 1977 'Sociological Theory and the City - A response to some recent trends in Australasian Sociology', in Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, vol. 13, No.3, pp.218-225.
- 1977 (With Sally Tomlinson, Peter Ratcliffe and David Hearnden), 'Housing, Employment, Education and Race Relations in Birmingham (A research note)', New Community, vol. VI, No.1, pp.123-127.
- 1977 'Value Relevance, Scientific Laws and Ideal Types - The Sociological Methodology of Max Weber', Canadian Journal of Sociology, vol. 2, No.2, pp.151-165.
- 1978 'Legitimation, Ideology and Culture in Late Capitalist Societies' in Sociology, vol. 12, No.3, pp.561-566.
- 1978 'The Present Crisis in Sociological Theory', in Social Wetenschappen, 21e, Jaargang, No.2, Tilburg, pp.52-59.
- 1978 'Threatening Theories' in Transaction, New Brunswick, New Jersey, pp.46-49.
- 1979 'The Future of Black Culture and Politics in Britain', New Community, vol. VII, No.2, pp.225-233.
- 1980 'Old and new themes in urban development', Built Environment, London, vol. 6, No.3, pp.216-24.
- 1981 'A Working Paradigm for Race Relations Research', in Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 4, No.1, London, pp.1-25.
- 1981 'Convergences in the Sociology of Race Relations and Minority Groups' in International Social Science Journal, vol. XXXIII, No.2, pp.351-373.
- 1981 'Old and New Themes in Urban Development', in Built Environment, vol. 6, No.3, London, pp.
- 1981 'The Integration of Britain's Black Citizens'. A lecture to mark the establishment of the S.S.R.C. Research Unit on Race Relations in the University of Aston, published by the University of Aston, pp.
- 1982 'Racial Conflict in the Inner City' in Housing Review, vol. 31, Housing Centre Trust, London, pp.
- 1982 'The 1981 Urban Riots in Britain', In International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 6, No.1, Edward Arnold, London, pp.99-114.
- 1983 'British Sociology 1960-1980, an Essay' in Social Forces, vol. 61, No.4, Chapel Hill, N. Carolina, pp.999-1009.
- 1984 'Integration, Multiculturalism and Ethnic and Racial Conflict', Verhagen Lecture, published by Erasmus University, Rotterdam, pp.
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- 1994 'The Second Project of Ethnicity: Transnational Migrant Communities and Ethnic Minorities in Modern Multi-Cultural Societies, Innovation, Vol. 7, No.3, pp.207-217. Carfax, Oxford.
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Conference Papers
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- 1974 'Ethnic and Class Stratification : Their Interrelation and Political Consequences - Europe', International Sociological Association, Toronto.
- 1981 'Weberian and Marxian concepts in empirical research in urban political sociology', Conference on the present day relevance of the work of Karl Marx and Max Weber, Duisburg, Germany.
- 1987 'The concept of race and ethnicity', The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Beilefeld, West Germany.
- 1988 'Conceptual and practical problems of recent local authority policy developments on equal opportunities', Conference on Local Authorities and Equal Opportunity, University of Warwick, Coventry, England.
- 1988 'Some theoretical problems of attitude change', U.N.E.S.C.O. multidisciplinary meeting of experts, Manila, The Phillipines.
- 1988 'Policy problems relating to immigrant minorities in North-West Europe', European University, Florence.
- 1990 'The reception of migrants in Great Britain', Agnelli Foundation Turin, Italy.
- 1990 'Muslims in a multi-cultural society', Anglo-French Workshop on Research on Islam in France and England, University of Warwick, Coventry, England.
- 1990 'Research on Muslims and the Rushdie Affair', Conference on New Issues in Black Politics, University of Warwick, Coventry, England.
- 1990 'The integration of immigrant youth in British society', Swedish Department of Immigration, Norrkoping, Sweden.
- 1990 'Policy problems relating to immigrants in Europe', Integration of Immigrant Minorities in Europe, Agence pour le Developpement des Relations Interculturelles, Paris.
- 1991 'The political sociology of a multi-cultural society', Gandhian Institute of Studies, Varanasi, India.
- 1991 'Anti-racist strategies in Europe', International Conference on Racism, Creteil, Paris.
- 1991 'Race and Ethnicity in Europe', Social Science History Association, New Orleans.
- 91-92 'The Talks and the Balance of Power in South Africa', CERI, Paris, Duke University, Durham, N. Carolina and Hunter College, City University of New York.
- 1991 'Muslim Immigrants in Britain', Tufts University, Boston.
- 1992 'The integration of Muslim immigrants in Great Britain', Muslims in Europe, Berlin Institute for Comparative Social Research, Berlin.
- 1992 'Religion and Ethnicity in the Metropolis', Centre for the Study of Minorities and Social Change, University of Bristol, England.
- 1992 'Ethnicity as resource and stigma : Ethnic mobilisation in a multi-cultural society', Migrants, Development and Metropolis, Berlin Institute for Comparative Social Research, Berlin.
- 1992 'Ethnic mobilisation in multi-cultural societies', Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, Arden House, University of Warwick, Coventry, England.
- 1992 'The Sociology of Conflict', Institute of Sociology, Kiev, Ukraine.
- 1992 'The 'talks' and the balance of power in South Africa', Centre des Etudes et Recherches Internationales, Paris.
- 1992 'Ethnic and Class Conflict in Europe', European Sociological Association, Vienna.
- 1993 'Equality of Opportunity and Multi-Culturalism in Britain', Conference of the Friederich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, December.
- 1993 'Recovering Sociology', Lecture given in the University of Warwick on the occasion of the presentation of the volume, Knowledge and Passion, Essays in Honour of John Rex, January.
- 1993 'Varieties of Islam in Britain', Working Party of the World Arab Institute, Paris, March.
- 1993 'The Political Sociology of Multi-Cultural Societies in Western Europe', Department of Sociology, University of Bordeaux, March Bordeaux.
- 1993 'Multi-Culturalism and Equality in Europe and the United States', Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, New York, March.
- 1993 'The Political Sociology of Multi-Cultural Societies', Queens College, City University of New York, New York, March.
- 1993 'Political Sociology of Multi-Culturalism in Europe and America', Fulbright Symposium, Bologna, Italy, April 1993.
- 1993 'Immigrant Minorities in Western Europe', Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, London School of Economics, May.
- 1993 'Social Mobility and Multi-Culturalism Amongst Immigrant Minorities in Europe', German Cultural Institute, Istanbul, Turkey, June.
- 1993 'The Political Sociology of Multi-Culturalism and the Place of Muslims in European Societies', Plenary Address to the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Budapest, July.
- 1993 'Max Weber's Philosophy of Social Science and its Implications for Political Sociology', Conference on Class, Status and Party, in honour of John Rex on his retirement, University of Leicester, July.
- 1993 'The Multi-Cultural Background to Problems of Linguistic Minorities', U.N.E.S.C.O Conference on Linguistic Minorities, Bratislava, Slovakia, August.
- 1993 'Multi-Culturalism and Political Integration in 14 European Cities', Fulbright Conference on Divided Cities, Magee College, University of Ulster, Derry/Londonderry, September.
- 1993 'The Political Sociology of Multi-Cultural Societies', Nordic Conference on Multi-Culturalism, Esbjerg, Denmark, September.
- 1993 'The Problem of Multi-Cultural Societies in East and West Europe', Conference of the British Council and the Soros Foundation, Belgrade.
- 1993 'Reconsidering Sociological Theory and Method After 1989' a paper to the Austrian Sociological Association, Klagenfurt, Austria, November.
- 1993 'The New Racism in Europe', a paper to a conference organised by Passages, (Paris), Madrid, December.
- 1994 'Multi-Culturalism in European Cities', University of Tilburg, Netherlands, February.
- 1994 'The Integration of Ethnic Minorities in a Democratic Multi-Cultural Society', a paper to a conference on Democracy and Ethno-Politics sponsored by the Soros Foundation, Ethnic Studies Centre, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Riga, Latvia, March.
- 1994 'Multi-Culturalism in Europe', Lecture to the University Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal, April.
- 1994 'Ethnic Mobilisation and Conflict Potential in Western Europe', Lecture to the Peace Research Institute, Oslo, April.
- 1994 'Research on Ethnic Mobilisation and Multi-Culturalism in European Cities', Lecture to the Royal Ministry of Local Government and Labour, Oslo, April.
- 1994 'Anti-Racism and Ethnic Mobilisation in Europe', a paper delivered to the XII Europaische Kulturtrage der Stadt Karlsruhe on Resistance, May.
- 1994 'Religion in the Theory of Ethnicity', a paper delivered to a conference on Religion and Conflict, organised by the Department of Conflict Studies, University of Ulster, Armagh, Northern Ireland, May.
- 1994 'Conceptual and Practical Problems of Multi-Culturalism in Europe', a paper to a seminar organised by the Swedish Ministry of Culture, Vasteras, Sweden, June.
- 1994 'Multi-Culturalism and Political Integration in Europe', a paper to the International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Sociological Theory (Research Committee 16) XIII World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, July.
- 1994 'Multi-Culturalism in Europe and North America', Keynote Address to a Conference on Comparative Perspectives on Interethnic Relations and Social Incorporation in Europe and North America, University of Toronto, October.
- 1994 'Critical Responses to the Concept of Multi-Culturalism in Europe', Lecture to the Department of Ethnic Relations, University of Montreal, October.
- 1994 'The Potentiality for Conflict Between National and Ethnic Minority Cultures', a paper to a conference organised by Art Service, Research Management and the Austrian Ministry of Science and Culture Conference, Vienna, October.
- 1994 'Immigration Policy and Immigrant Settlement in the United Kingdom', paper presented to a conference organised by the Ruhrlandsmuseum, Essen, Germany in connection with the meeting of the European Council of Ministers, November.
- 1994 'Political Aspects of Multi-Culturalism', Lecture to the Centre for Migration Studies, University of Amsterdam, November.
- 1994 'The Role of Education in the Integration of Immigrant Ethnic Minorities in Multi- Cultural Societies', Lecture in the Department of Sociology in the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, November.
- 1994 'Social Solidarity in Post-Industrial Society', Seminar paper in the Department of Social Policy, University of Newcastle-on-Tyne, December.
- 1995 'The Multi-Cultural Metropolitan City: The British Experience', Seminar Paper delivered to the Ortega y Gasset Foundation, Madrid, February.
- 1995 'Recent Trends in Sociological Theory', Seminar paper to the Sociology Department, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
- 1995 'The Problem of Multi-Culturalism in Europe', Public Lecture, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
- 1995 'The Theory of Ethnicity and Migrant Ethnic Minorities', Seminar paper to the Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
- 1995 'Migration Theory and Multi-Cultural Theory', paper to the Italian Academy for Advanced Study, Columbia University, New York.
- 1995 'Multi-Culturalism and Political Integration in European Cities', seminar paper to a Council of Europe seminar on 'Culture in European Cities'.
- 1995 'Ethnic Mobilisation and Social Transformation in European Cities', seminar paper to the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies, Osnabruck, Germany, June.
- 1995 'Ethnic Nationalism and Immigrant Ethnic Minority Communities', Plenary Address to the European Sociological Association, Budapest, August.
- 1995 'Multi-Culturalism and Political Integration in European Cities', European Sociological Association, Budapest, August
- 1995, "Racial and Ethnic Conflict in Fortress Europe, Conference of the Department of Sociology Universuty of Trento and the Council of Europe Ocober.
- 1995 "The Integration of Immigrants and Refugees in European Society" to the Fondazione Cariplo Per Le Initiative eLo Studio Suua Multi-Etnica (ISMU), Milan, October.
- 1995 "The Integration of Migrants and Refigees in European Society", Public Lecture, University of Bologna" October
- 1995 "The Social and Political Integration of Ethnic Minorities in Cities -Some Theoretical and Empirical Reflections", Lecture to the Conference of The Interdisciplinary Research Group on Multi-Ethnic Conflict", University of Bielefeld, October.
- 1996 "Multi-Culturalism and Ethnic Mobilisation" Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oxford, November.
- 1995 'Globalisation, Migration and Multi-Culturalism' Seminar to the Political Science Departrment, University of Bremen, Germany, November.
- 1995 'Immigration Policy and Immigrant Settlement in the United Kingdom', Public Lecture, University of Bremen, Germany, November.
- 1995 'The British Experience of Multi-Culturalism with special reference to the education system', British Hansard Society Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, November.
- 1996 'The Islamic Presence in Europe', Paper to the Berlin Institute for Comparative Research, January.
- 1996 'Multi-Cultural Societies and Immigration in Europe' Keynote address to a conference sponsored by the British Council, the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research and the University of Liege, Brussels, January.
- 1996 "Multi-Culturalism and Multi-National States" to a Conference of the British Council, Belgrade
- 1996 , "Multi-Culturalism in Europe and North America" Conference of the Sociolgy Department, New York University, April 1996.
- 1996 "Anti-Racism, Equality and Multi-Culturalism in Europe and North America", Department of Sociology, University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida. April.
- 1996, "The Problematic of Multi-Culturalism and Multinational Societies", New School of Social Resarch, New York April
- 1996, "National Identity in the Democratic Multi-Cultural State" Lecture to a Joint Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism and the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, London School of Economics, May.
- 1996 "Ethnic Mobilisation and Multi-Culturalism" Conference of the European Social Science History Association, Holland, May
- 1996 "The Systematic Study of Ethnic Mobilisation", Institute fof Migration and Intercultural Studies, Amsterdam, May
- 1996, 6 Lecture series on The Politics of Multi-Culturalism in Europe", University of Berne, June
- 1996 "Migration and Ethnic Conflict in the New Europe", Keynote address to a conference of the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, University of Mannheim, June
- 1996. "Multi-Culturalism, Modernity and Post-Modernity" Conference of Department of Extension Education, Universuty of Karlsruhe, June.
- 1996. "The Politics of Multi-Cultural Societies" Conference on "Democracy, National Unity and Cultural Diversity" organised by the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation, Istanbul, July.
- 1996 "State Policy and Ethnic Minority Mobilisation in West Europe" to a conference on "Multi-Cultural Competence" organised by the Hogskolen i Bergen, Solstrand, Norway, September.
- 1996 "Ethnic Movememts, Racism and Immigrant Integration in the light of New Migration Theories" to a Conference of the European Research Forum on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Berlin, October.
- 1996 "Transnational Communities, Migration and the Modern Nation State", School of Geography, Oxford.
- 1997 "Ethnic Mobilisation and Transnational Migrant Communities", School of Geography, Oxford.
- 1997 "The Theory of Multicultural Societies, Diasporas and Transnational Communities". Conference of the Netherlands Ministry of the Interior, Schevengingen, 18th March.
- 1997 "Reconsidering the Theory of the Nation State after 1989", Keynote Address to the Interdisciplinery Centre for Comparative Research (Vienna), Nicosia, Cyprus, 20th March.
- 1997 "Multiculturalism and Social Integration". Conference of the Netherlands Ministry of Health, Social Welfare and Sport, Schevengingen, 10th April.
- 1997 "Nationalism, Migration and Globalisation". Opening Address to the Joint Conference of the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations and the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, London School of Econmics, 2nd May.
- 1997 "The Relationship of Immigrant Communities to National Societies". Conference of the Committee on South-North Migration of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Barcelona, 7-9 May.
- 1997 "Macro Theories of Political Multiculturalism and Micro Theories of Interculturality in Cities". International meeting on "Interculturality versus Racism and Xenophobia - Towards a Language of Peace", Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 16-19 May.
- 1997 "The Development of the Multicultural City". Conference of the Institute of Migration Studies, Bergen, Norway, 27-31 May.
- 1997 "Multiculturalism and Political Integration in European Cities". Conference of the Forum Internationale des Sciences Humaines on "Cultural Difference, Racism and Democracy", Paris, 18th September.
- 1997 "Multiculturalism and Political Integration in European Cities". Conference of Wissenschaftszentrum fur Socialforschung, on "Citizenship, Immigration and Xenophobia in Europe - Comparative Perspectives", Berlin, 13th November.
- 1997 "Racism in Europe". Conference of the Forum Alternatives Europeenes on "Lutte Centre le Racisme en Europe", Aubervilliers, Paris, 15th November.
- 1997 "Political Sociology and Cultural Studies in the Study of Migrant Communities in Europe". Conference organised by the University of Florence and the Commune di Firenze on "Pluralisme Culturale, Mettisage ed Identita Miste", Florence, November.
- 1997 "The Challenge of Immigration and Asylum Policy in Italy". Conference CERFE, under the aegis of the Municipality of Rome with the cooperation of DG5 (Employment and Social Affairs) on "The Half Closed Door - The Difficult Integration of Immigrants in Europe", Rome, 4th December.
- 1998 "Immigration Policy and the Struggle Against Racism in Britain". Conference organised by the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, Coventry, 30th January.
- 1998 "A Weberian Approach to the Philosophy of Social Science and its Implications for the Study of Ethnicity and Ethnic Relations". Seminar of the Department of Sociology, University of Essex, Colchester.
- 1998 "Multiculturalism and Political Integration in the European Union". Seminar of the Department of Sociology, University of Cork, Ireland.
- 1998 "Race and Ethnicity in the Settlement of Immigrant Communities", European Institute, Firezole, Florence.
- 1998 "Post-Imperial Migration in a Global Age - a Comparison of Portuguese and British Experience", Universidade Aberta, Lisbon.
- 1998 "The Concept of Tolerance and the Crisis in Kosovo". Paper contributed to a conference in connection with the EU Confidence Building Programme organised by Bogdan Jakzic of the Institute of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
- 1998 "Developing Discourses in the Theory of Racial and Ethnic Minorities". Paper to the Research Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities at the 13th World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Montreal, July 1998.
- 1998 "The Integration of Immigrants and Refugees in European Societies". Paper delivered to a conference on "Combatting Racial Discrimination: Affirmative Action as a Model for Europe", organised by the Institute of Political Science, University of Innsbruck, September.
- 1998 "National and Transnational Migrant Communities - a European Problem". Keynote address to a conference on "The Expanding Nation - Towards a Multi-ethnic Ireland", organised by the Department of Sociology, Trinity College, Dublin, September.
- 1998 "The Industrial City, Established and New Religions". Paper to a conference organised by the Berlin Institute for Comparative Research and the Al Khoei Foundation on "The Role of Religions, Especially Islam, in the Process of Social Marginalization of Ethnic Minorities", London, October.
- 1998 "Ethnic Diversity and the Politics of Multiculturalism". Paper delivered to a conference organised by the Berlin Institute of Comparative Research on "Immigration Policies in the European Union, the Year 2000", Berlin, October.
- 1999 "Ethnic Mobilisation and Transnational Migrant Communities" and "The Structure of Multicultural Societies in Western Europe". Lectures delivered in the University of Aalborg, Denmark, March.
- 1999 "A British Understanding of the Problem of Immigrant Integration". A paper delivered to the Counselling Service for Foreigners in the Tyrol, Innsbruck, Austria, May.
- 1999 "Immigration and Race Relations in the United Kingdom- an historical overview". Paper presented to a conference organised by the Universities of Boston and Bristol, held in Bath (June).
- 1999 "The British Approach to the Politics of Multiculturalism". Paper delivered to the German Foreign Policy Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, June.
- 1999 "Globalisation and Transnational Communities". Seminar in the Department of Sociology, University of Stonybrook, State University of New York, Long Island, New York.
- 1999 "Ethnic Mobilisation in Transnational Migrant Communities". Seminar paper to the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, London School of Economics, December 1st.
- 1999 "Creating Democratic Multicultural Societies - the Challenge of Our Times" L.V. Singhvi Lecture in the University of Leicester, December 8th.
- 2000 "Religion and Language as factors Involveed in Political Differentation - the theoretical Background". Paper delivered to the Centre for the Study of Migration and refugees, New school for Social Research, New York, 18th February.
- 2000 "Social Exclusion and the Problem of Citizenship". Paper delivered to a conference on European Integration organised by the University of Sheffield, February.
- 2000 "Multiculturalism in Post Imperial Society". Paper delivered to the Department of Politics, Tallin, Estonia, April 11th.
- 2000 "The Rainbow Nation - The Complex of Nationalisms in South Africa". Paper delivered to the Institute of International Studies, Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge, February 10th.
- 2000 "The Elements of a Systematic Theory of Nationalism and Ethnic Relations". Paper delivered to a conference on Ethnicity and Multiculturalism organised by the Social Science Research Council of Ireland and the Department of Sociology in the University of Galway, 19-21 May.
- 2000 "Multiculturalism in Britain". Paper delivered to a conference of Estonian social scientists on Contemporary British Politics, organised by the British Association for East and Central Europe, 22nd May.
- 2000 "Diasporas and Transnational Communities - the Nature of the Two Problematics". Paper delivered to a conference on The Changing Nature of Migration, organised by the Berlin Institute for Comparative Research, Athens, 25-31 May.
- 2000 "Problems of Turkish Democracy Understood Within a Framework of a Systematic Theory of Nationalism and Ethnicity". Paper delivered to a conference on Problems of Ethnicity and Nationalism, organised by the Centre for Transformation Studies in the University of Bilkent, Ankara, 1-5 June.
- 2000 Two papers (1) "A Critical Discussion of New Migration Theory", and (2) "Aspects of a Systematic Theory of Nationalism and Ethnicity". Papers delivered to a conference organised by the Berlin Institute for Comparative Research, Cecina, Italy, 10-20 July.
- 2000 "A Systematic Approach to the Theory of Nationalism and Ethnicity". Paper delivered to a conference on The New Millennium, organised by the Institute of European Studies, Bergen, Norway, 13-20 August.
- 2000 "Problems of Multiculturalism in West and East Europe". Paper delivered to a conference on Minorities in a Pluralist Society at the Turn of the Millennium, organised by Masaryk University, Brno, 1-4 September.
- 2000 "Aspects of British Anti-Irish Prejudice and Irish Anti-British Prejudice". Contribution to a discussion organised by Encounter with the support of the British and Irish Foreign Offices, Limerick, 15-16 September.
- 2000 "Islam in the United Kingdom". Paper delivered to a conference on Islam in Europe, organised by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, in conjunction with the Luso-American Institute, Lisbon, October 17th.
- 2000 "The Theory of Multiculturalism". Paper delivered to a conference of European mayors, organised by the Department of Education, University of Granada, Granada, October 23rd.
- 2001 "Three lectures on Ethnicity and Nationalism" in the Department of Sociology, University of Nizhni Novgorod, April.
- 2001 "The development of research on Migration and Ethnicity in Europe", "The Theory of Multiculturalism" and "Research seminar on multiculturalism in cities", in the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Relations, Malmo Hogskola, May.
- 2001 "Discrimination, Integration and Multiculturalism", in the Technical Hogskola, Stockholm, May.
- 2001 "The Basic Elements of a Systematic Theory of Ethnic Relations". Lectures at the Kosovo Summer University, Pristina, Kosovo, July.
- 2001 "Race Relations and Asian Riots in Britain". Lecture at the Kosovo Summer University, Pristina, Kosovo, July.
- 2001 "Islam in the United Kingdom, Europe and the Larger World". Lecture at the Kosovo Summer University, Pristina, Kosovo, July.
- 2001 "The Conflict of Nationalisms in South Africa". Lecture at the Kosovo Summer University, Pristina, Kosovo, July.
- 2001 "Ethnicity and International Conflict in Africa". Lecture at the Kosovo Summer University, Pristina, Kosovo, July.
- 2001 "Roma in Kosovo and as a European Problem". Lecture at the Kosovo Summer University, Pristina, Kosovo, July.
- 2001 "Egalitarian and Democratic Multicultural Societies". Paper delivered to Editorial Board meeting of UNESCO MOST electronic journal, Paris, October.
- 2001 "Immigration policy and ethnic minority settlement in the United Kingdom". Paper delivered to Sixth Metropolis Conference, Rotterdam, November.
- 2001 "Conceptual development in social science research on Ethnic Relations 1980 to 2000". Paper delivered to the EUROFOR conference of the Berlin Institute for Comparative Research, Brussels, December.
- 2001 "Racism, Institutional Racism and Anti-Racism in the United Kingdom in the light of the MacPherson Report". Paper delivered to a conference organised by the Uppsala Theory Circle, Stockholm, December.
- 2001 "The implications of being an immigration country for young people, the family and the elderly, based upon United Kingdom experience". Paper delivered to a conference of the Bundesministerium Department of Youth, Family, Women and the Elderly, Berlin, December.
- 2002, "Pluralism in Post-Colonial Societies: the South African Case". Public lecture on 'Ethnic and Race Relations in Comparative International Perspective' at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, October.
- 2002, "South African Relations in a World Perspective". Seminar at the University of Capetown, South Africa, October.
- 2002, "Studying Race and Ethnic Relations Internationally from Port Elizabeth to Pristina". Lecture at the University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, October.
- 2003, "The present crises facing Islam in Britain". Keynote address to the conference of the Al-Khoei Foundation and the Forum against Islamophobia and Racism, London, January.
- 2003, "Birmingham as a Multicultural City". Lecture at the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, University of Birmingham, February.
- 2003, "Ethnicity Class and Citizenship". Lecture at the University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, December.
- 2004, "Ethnicity Community and Empowerment". Lecture at the University of Linkoping, March, and CEIFO, University of Stockholm, April.
- 2004, "Ethnicity and Discrimination in Europe". Lecture at CEIFO, University of Stockholm, April.
- 2004, "The Franchising of Resistance to American World Domination". Paper given at the British Political Science Association, Lincoln, April.
- 2004, "The Development of the Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations in Britain and Europe". Lecture at the University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy, May.
- 2004, "The Development of the Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations in the Twenty First Century". Lecture at the University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy, May.
- 2004, "Multiculturalism and Citizenship". An address to a conference in the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, May.
- 2004, "Islam in Europe". Lecture at the Department of Sociology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, June.
- 2004, "Morocco, Spain and Europe in the War Against Terror". Lecture at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, June.
- 2004, "Ethnic Militancy, Security and Political Control in European Nation States". Lecture at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, September.
- 2004, "Is Segregation Dangerous: The British Experience". Contribution to a Symposium in the University of Bielefeld, Germany, October.
- 2004, "The Example of Conflict in Britain Compared with Other European Cities". Contribution to a conference on Is Segregation Dangerous, University of Bielefeld, Germany.
- 2004, "Discussion with Douglas Massey Comparing Europe and USA on Urban Segregation". Contribution to a conference on Is Segregation Dangerous, University of Bielefeld, Germany.
- 2004, "The Northern Riots in Britain" Contribution to a conference on Is Segregation Dangerous, University of Bielefeld, Germany.
- 2006, "Migration and Integration of Migrants in Britain and Europe compared with the Integration of Mexican Migrants in the United States" Lecture to the College of the
Frontier of the North, Tihuana, Mexico. - 2006, "Immigration and Integration of Immigrants in Europe and in California" Lecture to the Department of Anthropology, Riverside. University of California.
- 2006, "Immigration and the Integration of Immigrants in Britain compared with the Italian Experience" Lecture to the Sociology Department of the School of Education
University of Florence. - 2006, "The Problems of Illegal Migration and Trafficking in recent European Experience" Lecture to the Sociology Department in the School of Education, University of
Florence. - 2006, "Multiculturalism in Western Europe and Turkey" Lecture in the Department of International Relations in Koc University, Istanbul.
- 2006, "The Changing nature of Migration in West Europe and Turkey" Lecture to students of the Faculty of Social Science, Koc University, Istanbul.
- 2006, "The Integration of Muslim Immigrants in Britain and Europe" Lecture the Centre for Ethnic Identity and Citizenship, University of Bristol.
2007, Paper delivered to the First Congress of African Sociologists, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, Frantz Fsnon and Amilcar Cabral : A Comparison of their Theories, July 2007.
2007, Paper delivered the Fort Hare Unversity, East London, South Africa, Tha Contemporary Relevance of Philip amd Iona Mayer's, Tribesmen or Townsmen : A study of African Workers in East London, July 2007.
2007, Paper delivered to the Political Science Department, Queen's University Belfast, Beyond the Nation State -The South African Case, September 2007.
Other Writing
Also other broadcasts and reviews in The British Journal of Sociology, Sociological Review, Political Quarterly, Population Studies, The New Stateman and Nation, New Society, and The Sunday Times Times Literary Supplement.
Editorial Work
- 1970-1973 Editor of Series of popular texts on sociology published jointly by Granada Books and MacGibbon and Kee. Fourteen books were published by 1973.
- 1973-1985 Editor, International Library of Sociology, Routledge and Kegan Paul.
- 1974-76 Consultant Editor, American Journal of Sociology.
- 1979 Member of Editorial Board of Ethnic and Racial Studies.
- 1980-86 Member of Editorial Board, Cambridge University Press series on Comparative Ethnic and Race Relations.
- 1983 to date Member of Advisory Board, Sociolgy, Deddington, Oxfordshire,
- 1991 to date Member of Editorial Advisory Board Board, Innovation in Social Science, Carfax, Abingdon and Vienna.
- 1996 to date Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Current Issues in Language and Society, Clevedon.