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Marie Curie Training Site Profiles

Emanuele Toscano

Home institution: Centre d'Analyse et d'Intervention Sociologiques
(CADIS), Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Dates at CRER: September 2004 - March 2005

Research: Ph.D student in Sociology under the supervision of Michel Wieviorka and Antimo L. Farro. The subject of the thesis is a comparison between anti-globalisation and anti-war movements in Italy, France and England, mainly focusing on the aspects of the subjectivity participation and the networks construction. The research, linked to a wider European research developed in different European countries, deals with the attempt of finding a new theoretical approach to the study of social movements, trying to highlight the cultural aspects that these movements carry out. The research is leaded through different methodologies, such as participant observation, interviews, questionnaires and sociological intervention. Regarding England, the survey will be mainly focused on the participation of the ethnic minorities group on these movements.



Papa Sow

Geographer working on African migration

Home institution: Department of Geography, Migration Research Group (GRM), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Edifici B, 08193-Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Valles), Barcelona, Spain

Dates at CRER: 1st February 2003 - 1st August 2003

Research: he is currently doing a Ph.D. in Human Geography on the spatial and social networks of Senegaleses and Gambians in Catalonia (Spain) at the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona (UAB). He holds an MA from the UAB and a BA from the Universite Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis (Senegal). Among his publications there are: "Les "recolteuses" de sel du Lac Rose (zone rurale de Dakar-Senegal). Histoire d'une innovation sociale feminine", in Geographie & Cultures n. 41, pp. 93-113, 2002 ; "Avance urbano, descentralizacion y nuevas territorialidades en la zona rural de Dakar", in Documents d'Analisi Geografics n. 37, pp. 39-50, 2000. He has collaborated with the realization of a guide entitled : Guide of African resources in Barcelona, 127 pagines, 2001. He speaks Fulani (or Peul), Wolof, Catalan, Spanish, French ... and some little English.


Alexandra Poli

Home institution: Centre d'Analyse et d'Intervention Sociologiques
(CADIS), Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Dates at CRER: October 2001 - September 2002

Research: Ph.D student in Sociology under the supervision of Michel Wieviorka. The subject deals with the question of racism from the victims' standpoint. The main purpose of the research is to map the patterns of their formulations through three distinct argumentative
frames - subjectivity, participation and identity. This extends to an exploration of how victims try individually or collectively to make their lives a narrative, giving each action significance in situations which are returned to them in varying degrees of contempt.

Those interested in the Marie Curie Training Site will find at CRER a great opportunity to study migration, ethnic relations and broaden their knowledge in a centre where many events take place. CRER offers such advantages as the possibility to attend its seminars, research meetings, conferences and also other lectures from the Sociology department.
Moreover, Ph.D students can benefit from the supervision of a researcher, renewing and orienting their perspective. The Centre enables the sharing of ideas with researchers from many countries in a friendly while productive atmosphere.

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