Rana Jawad
Rana joined CRER in October 2007 as ESRC post-doctoral fellow. She gained her PhD in Social Policy from the University of Nottingham in 2005. Shortly after, she took up a research post at Sussex University working on the State in developing countries and then moved to Cambridge University to research the political participation of Young British Muslims. Rana’s PhD was about the role of religion in social policy in the Lebanon, specifically, how faith-based organisations from all the major sects in Lebanon conceptualise social welfare, design social programmes and evaluate the impact of their services. Rana’s main research interest is to develop the field of research on social policy in the Middle East, and especially on Islamic welfare practices. As part of her post-doc fellowship, she will be conducting new fieldwork (in 2008) in Iran, Egypt and Turkey to expand on her PhD findings. She is currently writing two books (commissioned by the Policy Press and The Social Policy Association) on the subject of religion and social welfare, as well as several journal articles (see publications link). Rana will also be teaching on the new MA course, Islam and Contemporary Society. She is Treasurer of the Social Policy Association (http://www.social-policy.com/). Rana joined the editorial board of the Journal of Social Policy in June 2008.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
'Religious Welfare in Lebanon: Treating the Causes or Symptoms of Poverty?' (in press - January 2009 issue) Journal of Social Policy
'Possibilities of Positive Social Action: A Re-Reading of the History of Social Policy in the Middle East' (in press - August 2008 issue) Journal of Global Social Policy
'Human Ethics and Welfare Particularism: An Exploration of the Social Welfare Regime in Lebanon' (2007) in Ethics and Social Welfare, vol. 1(2), pp 123-146
‘Social Policy in Lebanon’ (2006) in International Encyclopaedia of Social Policy, Fitzpatrick, Tony; Kwon, Huck-ju; Manning, Nick; Midgley, James and Pascall, Gill (eds), Routledge, London
‘The Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young People in the Arab Countries and Iran’ in Reproductive Health Matters, vol 13 (25), May 2005, pp 49-59, co-authored with Dejong, Jocelyn; Shepard, Barbara and Mortagy, Iman
‘A Profile of Social Welfare in Lebanon: Assessing the Implications for Social Development Policy’ (2002) in Global Social Policy, vol.2 (3), pp 319-342
'The Political Participation of 'Elite' Young British Muslims in the UK', co-authored with June Edmunds, University of Cambridge (forthcoming)
Religion and Social Welfare in the Middle East: A Lebanese Perspective (forthcoming July 2009) The Policy Press, Bristol
Understanding Religion and Wellbeing in the UK: Implications for Social Policy (book proposal currently being discussed with Policy Press and the Social Policy Association for the 'Understanding Welfare Series')
Email: R.Jawad@warwick.ac.uk
Website: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/crer/religious_welfare/