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Rachel Cooper

Rachel Cooper - Assistant Professor

Tel: 024 765 22325 / 07384231387
Room: WA 1.04

Rachel currently teaches on the PGCE secondary programme and is the subject lead for Religious Education. This role involves developing the learning opportunities for those training to be RE teachers both within the Centre for Teacher Education and within the wider school partnership. In addition, Rachel is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, and Senior Tutor, within CTE. Her key responsibilities as DSL are to ensure that enrolled trainees and the children and young people within our partnership schools, are safeguarded.

Rachel reviews and considers DBS disclosures for offer holders across all phases and cohorts within CTE. The safeguarding teaching provision, which aims to inform trainees of their legal responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children in education, is devised and delivered by Rachel.

 Professional and Teaching Expertise

  • Teaching of Religious Education within secondary schools.
  • Safeguarding in Education
  • Managing classroom behaviour
  • Inclusion in secondary education

Academic Interests & Teaching & Learning Specialisms

  • Religious Education teaching
  • Safeguarding and Prevent
  • Managing classroom behaviour

 Publications & Projects

Current research focus is on safeguarding teaching and training within Initial Teacher Education.

Other Positions

External examiner for RE PGCE within another HEI
Member of Warwickshire and Coventry SACRE

Teacher Regulation Agency Panellist