International PGCE (PGCEi) Secondary
Course code
Online assessment:
In Person Assessment:
Postgraduate Certificate in Education International (PGCEi)
1 Year
Start Date
20th August 2025
Department of Study
Centre for Teacher Education
Location of Study
Distance Learning
This one year teaching qualification is specially designed to prepare you for teaching in international settings, developing you into a highly reflective practitioner, equipped with the skills and knowledge to be a successful teacher. Unlike most PGCEi's our course offers:
- A 90-day placement which is assessed by experts from Warwick and lead professionals in your setting. Assessment is against the iQTS Teachers’ Standards and can provide strong evidence should you wish to go onto apply for the Assessment Route to QTS.
- 90 full Level 7 Master's credits, enabling you to move directly onto our 18 month MA Professional Education dissertation based programme.
- ‘Live’ interactive online lectures every one to two weeks alongside our iQTS trainees. We offer a full range of secondary subjects with 50% of sessions being led by a subject specialist who is a full time employee at Warwick whilst the remaining sessions are led by Warwick and International specialists in key aspects of pedagogy.
- A subject specialist personal tutor who guides you through your academic work and supports you and your mentor during your placement. This means that you develop a strong relationship with a Warwick based member of staff who stays with you on your training journey.
- Ample opportunities for you to develop the skills and knowledge needed to forge a strong personal and professional identity, which you will continue to develop throughout your career. The Warwick Teacher Values, of Social Justice, Intellectual Curiosity and Creativity run through all our programmes.
Visit our Frequently Asked QuestionsLink opens in a new window page to find out more about the PGCEi programme
Course overview
This one-year, 90-credit Post-Graduate course is a teacher training course designed to prepare you for teaching in international settings. It will equip you to be a reflective, competent and professionally aware educator through a unique blended learning.
The course provides a well-integrated blend of online and school-based learning opportunities that develop a values-based and evidence-informed approach to classroom practice in an international school setting. With reference to the Core Content Framework, and taking account of the local contexts in which students are teaching, the course will provide an appropriate training experience for those teaching in the Secondary age phase. This includes regular sessions led by subject specialists (see our iQTS pages for the range of subjects we offer).
Trainees will be supported to understand the complexity of evidence and established views on effective learning in schools. Taught sessions and assessments will encourage critical engagement with evidence and the implications for personal teaching practice.
The Centre for Teacher Education is the University’s global-service provider for high quality teacher training and professional education. At it’s most recent inspection, the University of Warwick’s Centre for Teacher Education has been awarded “Outstanding” provider status by the British government standard (OFSTED). Our international QTS programmes, which run alongside the PGCEi have been awarded a Grade 1 (highest grade) from Penta, an international schools inspectorate, on behalf of the Department for Education.
Qualified Teacher Status in England and Wales
Please note that successful completion of the PGCEi programme does not result in iQTS.
The PGCE international programme does not offer a licence to teach in the UK or elsewhere.
If you are interested in gaining International QTS (iQTS) You may also be interested in our iQTS Secondary ProgrammesLink opens in a new window Link opens in a new windowwhich upon successful completion will result in International QTS (iQTS).
Placement School
You are responsible for securing your own school placement of at least 90 days. You will need to provide a complete school statement of support confirming among other things that they will provide you with an experienced school mentor before submitting a formal application.
Occasionally we are able to support appropriate candidates in securing a school placement in Asia. Please send details of your preferred course and a copy of your CV to Subject to discussion with you, Pedagogue (a University agent based in Asia) may be able to assist in making introductions to schools. In all cases placements are subject to interview and full safeguarding checks.
Minimum Academic requirements
UK Bachelors degree with Honours at 2:2 or above, or equivalent level.
English requirements
Your spoken and written English must be of an adequate standard for postgraduate study. If English is not your native language, you will need a minimum score of 6.5 under the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
Find out more about English requirements at Warwick.
You will need to provide two appropriate references in support of your application. The references must be received directly from the referee from a business email address that can be verified.
One of your references should be from your current employer, and if you have ever worked with children, you should provide a reference from that employer.
It can take a while for a referee to complete and submit a reference on your behalf, so the sooner you get in touch with your referee, the better – you might want to send your referee a description of the course and what you’d like to get out of it to make it easier. You can learn more about what a reference should include here.
You will be required to provide high quality scans of all your qualifications to evidence that you meet the qualification entry requirements set out above. Information on who we will accept to attest your qualifications can be found here.
If you have qualifications that have been obtained outside of the UK, we will need to complete a comparability check of your qualifications to ensure they meet the entry criteria. To speed this process up it would be beneficial for you to obtain an ENIC comparability statement. If your qualification certificates are in a language other than English you must also provide an official translation of your certificates to allow us to ascertain equivalency.
Core Modules
Phase Studies
This module is designed to heighten your awareness of the pedagogical approaches related to each subject/phase specialism. Please see the iQTS pages to see which subjects we offer specialisms in. This will help you adopt a range of approaches and strategies to ensure your teaching is sufficiently diverse to challenge or support as appropriate in an international education setting.
You engage critically and analytically with a range of theories and models which underpin effective teaching and learning. You'll develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to be an effective teacher. You'll understand the impact this has on pupil progress in their subjects, building towards a vision for outstanding learning and teaching in your area of expertise that will underpin your practice on teaching placements.
Assessment: Summative Master's level assignment.
Professional Enquiry
You will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to be an effective teacher and understand the impact this has on pupil progress in a range of international contexts.
You'll also be introduced to skills and techniques to support your development as a reflective practitioner, gaining access to a wide variety of pedagogic styles and innovative methods for learning and teaching in international settings. Throughout the course, links between critical reflection and your subject specialisms will be emphasised, helping you to embrace the concept of a connected curriculum.
Assessment: Summative Master's level assignment.
Professional Practice
This module includes regular meetings with your university tutor and school mentor, as well as evaluations of professional practice through mentoring conversations on placement following lesson observations. Focusing on the iQTS Teachers' Standards Link opens in a new windLink opens in a new window which range from behaviour management and lesson planning to personal and professional conduct.
There are 2 components for the assessment of this module, both of which must be passed for the module to be completed.
- 2x1000 reflections and a portfolio of evidence around particular aspects of the iQTS Teachers’ Standards and a short viva voce about your practice.
- All practical teaching in the classroom must also be assessed against all the iQTS Teachers’ Standards culminating with a summative lesson observation by a Warwick Tutor. You will need to select on application whether this observation visit is in person, or is completed online by selecting either the face to face or online assessment route.
Fees and Funding
Route |
2025-26 |
(In Person Assessment) | Full Time | EU/Overseas/Home | £ 7,250 + £700 assessment fee* |
(Fully Online Assessment) | Full Time | EU/Overseas/Home | £ 7,250 |
* The In Person Assessment route will incur a one off, non-refundable payment of £700.00 (paid separately to other course fees)
The assessment fee will be due ahead of the assessment period for those on the in person assessment route, and must be paid before the assessment can be undertaken. The department will contact trainees to confirm the payment arrangements in the Spring term
If you opt to pay your fees in instalments, the following is an example of the fee schedule:
Non-Refundable Deposit Payment Payable ahead of course start date | Instalment One Date: Start Date of programme |
Instalment Two Date: November 2025 | Instalment Three Date: February 2026 |
Payment Amount: £600 | Payment Amount: 50% of fees (minus £600 deposit you will have already paid) | Payment Amount: 25% of fees | Payment Amount: 25% of fees |
If your placement school will be paying your programme fees, you will need to ensure you provide sponsorship information when you enrol.
Additional Costs
- Study costs
There may be extra costs on top of the tuition fee, such as classroom resources and travel costs.
- Computing requirements
A computing device with a browser and strong and reliable broadband internet access is required for the course. A webcam will be required during all live taught sessions. The university provides central guidance on the recommended specification for any device you use to undertake your academic work.
- Assessment Visit Payment (For In Person Assessment ONLY)
A one off assessment fee of £700 will be charged to those on the In Person Assessment route. This amount is separate to the course fees.
You will be contacted ahead of the assessment period to pay this fee in one instalment.
For up-to-date information concerning fees, funding and scholarships for Home/EU and Overseas students please visit Warwick's Fees and Funding webpage.
You may also be interested in our iQTS Secondary ProgrammesLink opens in a new window which upon successful completion will result in obtaining International QTS (iQTS).
To find out more about the differences between the two programmes please visit our Key Differences PageLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
You may also find our Frequently Asked QuestionsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window useful.
Prior to completing this form, please ensure you have familiarised yourself with our International Programmes Website. The information you provide here to determine whether you meet the entry criteria for one of our International PGCE programmes.
If your responses indicate that you do meet the requirements for the PGCE iQTS programme, and a School Statement of Support (SSoS) has been uploaded in support of your Stage 1 self Assessment form will invite you to submit a formal University of Warwick Postgraduate Application form.
Stage 1 - Self Assessment Form (SAF)
Before you are invited to submit a formal (Stage 2) application form you must complete the following
- Submit a Self Assessment formLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window - This form asks you to confirm details such as the programme you are interested in, your country of study (must be outside of England) your placement school information and details about your academic qualifications.
- Upload a completed School Statement of SupportLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (SSoS) signed by your placement school - This form is official confirmation from your placement school that they are able to support you throughout the programme. You must have a school statement of support before we are able to invite you to make a formal stage 2 application.
We cannot assess your viability as a candidate, and progress to stage 2 of the application process if you have not returned both of these documents fully completed.
Stage 2 - Formal Application
If the information you have provided in your SAF & SSoS indicates that you meet the entry criteria for the programme you are interested in, we will invite you to submit a formal University of Warwick Postgraduate application form.
Upon invitation to apply you will be provided with:
- Application Guide - Which will instruct you how to set up your applicant portal and what information you must provide
You will also be required to submit documentation that evidences the information you have provided in your self assessment form.
This will include high quality scans of all relevant qualifications that confirm you meet the entry requirements for the programme you have applied to (and official translations where these documents are not in English)
What is the difference between the in person assessment route and the online assessment route?
The in person assessment route, the University of Warwick will arrange for one of its tutors to visit you during your placement to assess your teaching practice. To account for this visit, this route will attract a higher course fee. If upon reviewing your application for this route we identify that it will not be viable to visit you based on your location due to prohibitive costs, we will advise you to apply for the online assessment route.
The online assessment route, the University of Warwick will arrange to observe your teaching practice remotely. The assessment will be undertaken in one of two ways:
- You will upload a recording of your lesson to a secure online platform where this will be accessed asynchronously by your assessor.
- The University of Warwick will assess your lesson via a pre-arranged live stream of your lesson. Please be advised that if you selected this option, the lesson would need to take place during the working hours of our UK based tutors. The lesson will not be recorded.
If you select the online assessment route, your placement must confirm that they agree to the recording or streaming of your lessons.
If you are successful at the Stage 2 application, we will recommend a conditional offer.