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Understand Expectations

Effective Mentors ‘pull’. They don’t ‘push’

The role of a mentor is to set up an environment where a mentor and trainee can process what is happening in a trainee’s classroom, by gathering evidence and creatively experimenting with ways to improve, with the focus on pupil learning.

Mentor Push Pull diagram

A mentor is: A mentor is not:
  • knowledgeable about the processes and procedures of the Warwick programme
  • engaged in scholarship
  • creative within the training programme
  • able to recognise a trainee workload model following DfE workload recommendations
  • an exemplar professional and models this for the trainee
  • a problem solver
  • a decision maker
  • available 24/7
  • a counsellor
  • a doctor
  • a mental health or disability advisor
  • a friend

Further information on addressing workload in ITE is available here.

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Are you aware of all the ways we communicate with you?

The Partners' intranet is a really good source of information for all mentors in the Warwick University Partnership.

We regularly send out CTE partnership bulletins. Archived versions are available here and you can also sign up to receive the latest versions when they are published here.

We also run bookable online clinics for one to one mentoring support.

Our mentor support videos are available here.