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Inclusion Conference 2022

Blue banner with black silhouettes of a range of people representing inclusion

Welcome to the 2022 CTE Inclusion Conference


Welcome to CTE’s annual Inclusion Conference. Inclusion is at the heart of everything we do as teachers. Today’s programme draws on the expertise of our guest speakers and CTE colleagues to explore some of the key issues around inclusion in education today. As well as the keynote lecture, you will have the opportunity to attend up to 3 sessions. There are a broad range of themes to engage with, some of which you may have already encountered in your placements and some of which may be new to you. Sessions will be recorded so you can access them later if you wish. In our closing plenary there will be time to reflect on your priorities for developing an inclusive classroom and the opportunities and challenges this may present in your practice. We hope you find the sessions enriching and informative and that you enjoy the day.

Blackboard Collaborate

The live conference sessions will be delivered via Blackboard Collaborate. We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome or Firefox as your browser. Please do not use Internet Explorer as you may experience audio issues. Further Blackboard Collaborate support material (including audio troubleshooting) is available here:

The live sessions will be recorded where possible/appropriate and made available after the conference. Resources from the sessions (e.g. presentations) will also be made available where possible.

To enable Live Captions in Google Chrome for use with Blackboard Collaborate please see the brief video below:

How to navigate this page

This page will enable you to access all of the live content. Sessions start at 10.00 am on Monday 17th January 2022. We recommend you check you are using a compatible browser before arriving from 9.50 am in the online room for the 10.00 am keynote presentation. To find out more about individual speakers simply click on the named links below.

Conference timetable



9.50 am - 10.00 am

Twitter logo


Upload a photo of yourself at the start of the day tagging us in on Twitter @warwickcte. Check you are using a compatible browser before arriving and that your audio is working ahead of the keynote session.

10.00 am - 11.00 am

Keynote presentation

Session title: The value and importance of inclusive approaches to education

Brief introduction: This session is intended to be thought provoking, looking at what we really mean by inclusion. I will touch upon the indicators that have shown us that as an education system we have possibly not quite been getting it right and why this may be. I will then introduce how educational professionals reset the focus on Ethical Leadership and how amongst the busy schedule of teaching how Ethical Leadership helps keep our focus on what matters. Throughout the session I will impart some advice as "takeaways" to always remember as the students impart on their journey into the noble profession of teaching.

Name of presenter: Marie Rooney

Name of facilitator: Vikki Armeson/Rebecca Friesen

Type of session: Presentation

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

11.00 am - 12.00 noon

Parallel session 1A

Amanda Millican photo

Session title: Supporting newly arrived and more advanced EAL learners in your classrooms

Brief introduction: We will be looking at the differences between newly arrived and more advanced EAL learners and strategies that we can use in the classroom to help them demonstrate their skills and knowledge and access the mainstream curriculum.

Name of presenter: Amanda Millican

Name of facilitator: Rebecca Friesen

Type of session: Seminar

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

11.00 am - 12.00 noon

Parallel session 1B


Session title: Understanding the fundamentals of trans and non binary identities to allow those students to thrive

Brief introduction: The session will give an explanation, or clarify participants’ understanding, of the fundamental nature of being transgender or non-binary, what the misconceptions are, and how not to be fooled by the current 'moral panic' about gender identity.

There will follow the basic legal frameworks as they apply to places of education and also the principles of best practice to ensure trans and non-binary students are not only safe, but also have the potential to thrive - educationally and in terms of happiness and well-being.

Name of presenter: Kacey De Groot

Name of facilitator: Vikki Armeson

Type of session: Seminar

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

11.00 am - 12.00 noon

Parallel session 1C

Helen Trivedi photo

Nikki Luke photo

Rees Centre Oxford logo

Session title: Teaching children who have experienced trauma and neglect

Brief introduction: This workshop will introduce the difficulties experienced by pupils who have experiences of neglect and trauma. We will explain who these children might be in your classrooms, for example those with a social worker, and those looked after by the local authority. We will discuss the prevalence and impact of these adverse experiences on pupils in schools, and share findings from a national research programme exploring the impact of staff training in attachment and trauma awareness in schools.

Names of presenters: Helen Trivedi and Nikki Luke

Name of facilitator: Kate Hamer

Type of session: Workshop

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

11.00 am - 12.00 noon

Parallel session 1D

Sam Kendall photo

Session title: Communication Strategies and Techniques

Brief introduction: We will explore some of the common barriers young people with additional needs may face with regards to their communication, how we as practitioners can be mindful of this and some of the techniques and resources which can support a total communication environment.

Name of presenter: Sam Kendall

Name of facilitator: Georgina Newton

Type of session: Seminar

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

11.00 am - 1.00 pm

Parallel session 1E

Becki Coombe photo

Session title: Suicide Prevention

This session did not have any attendees so it was not recorded.

Brief introduction: This session will explore the difference between a person having thoughts about suiciding and having made suicide plans. We will dispel myths that talking about suicide can 'encourage' thoughts and actions and become familiar with the acronym 'STOP' to use when engaging in a conversation with someone who is considering completing suicide.

Name of presenter: Becki Coombe

Type of session: Workshop - please be aware that this session is TWO hours long

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

11.00 am - 1.00 pm

Parallel session 1F


Session title: Recognising and Managing Anxiety and depression in Children and Young People

Brief introduction: Delivered by mental health practitioners, this session will provide you with some knowledge of and strategies to support students with a range of mental health issues.

Names of presenters: Anne-Marie Brown and Rachel Nightingale

Name of facilitator: Rachel Cooper

Type of session: Seminar - please be aware that this session is TWO hours long

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

12.00 - 12.15


12.15 pm - 1.15 pm

Parallel session 2A

Amanda Millican photo

Session title: Supporting newly arrived and more advanced EAL learners in your classrooms

Brief introduction: We will be looking at the differences between newly arrived and more advanced EAL learners and strategies that we can use in the classroom to help them demonstrate their skills and knowledge and access the mainstream curriculum.

Name of presenter: Amanda Millican

Name of facilitator: Rebecca Friesen

Type of session: Seminar - This is a repeat of Amanda's session from 11.00 am.

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

12.15 pm - 1.15 pm

Parallel session 2B


Session title: Trauma Sensitive Schooling

Due to unforeseen circumstances Paul was unable to run this session.

Brief introduction: Using examples from the work we do at Lyng Hall I will explore both the cognitive impact of trauma on children’s ability to learn, and what schools need to do in order to make the organisation both informed and pro-active in its response to the needs of these children.

Name of presenter: Paul Green

Name of facilitator: Vikki Armeson

Type of session: Seminar

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

12.15 pm - 1.15 pm

Parallel session 2C

Kate Foxon photo

Session title: Adapting a Challenging Secondary Curriculum and Supporting Literacy for students with autism

Brief introduction: This seminar aims to identify some of the main barriers to learning encountered by students with autism within the context of the more challenging secondary curriculums they face. We will initially explore trainees' experiences of autism and co-occurring conditions with opportunities throughout the session to ask questions or seek clarity. A key focus will also be on how we can ensure that, as literacy skills are needed to access much of the curriculum, autistic students are able to navigate this through our adaptive teaching.

Names of presenters: Sarah Rose and Kate Foxon

Name of facilitator: Alison Morgan

Type of session: Seminar - please note that this seminar is limited to 30 attendees.

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

12.15 pm - 1.15 pm

Parallel session 2D

Ian Thompson photo

Alice Tawell photo

Session title: Understanding school exclusion

Brief introduction: In this session we will explore the school exclusion landscape in England. We will begin by explaining the formal school exclusion process and the duties of different stakeholders. We will then outline the current rates of suspension and permanent exclusion in schools, including the disproportionate overrepresentation of certain groups, before turning to look at what may lie below these surface level figures, and the consequences of school exclusion. Against this backdrop, we will then draw on preliminary findings from two ESRC funded research projects: Excluded Lives and Enacting national school exclusion policy at the local level in England to explore the contextual factors that may affect decision making around school exclusion. We will end by reflecting on the implications of these findings for developing inclusive practices in schools.

Names of presenters: Ian Thompson and Alice Tawell

Name of facilitator: Andy Hind

Type of session: Seminar

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

1.15 pm - 2.15 pm


2.15 pm - 3.15 pm

Parallel session 3A

Rebecca Friesen photo

Session title: EAL learners in the classroom

Brief introduction: This workshop will explore the barriers faced by EAL learners in our classrooms. We will explore how to employ teaching and learning strategies to promote inclusion and engagement.

Name of presenter: Rebecca Friesen

Type of session: Workshop

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

2.15 pm - 3.15 pm

Parallel session 3B


Session title: Strategies for Teaching Neurodiverse Classes

Brief introduction: With an estimated prevalence of around 10% of the population, neurodiversity will affect all classrooms, but particularly low attaining classes and those with more SEN students. Students in these classes have a wide range of often conflicting needs, presenting many challenges for even the most experienced teachers. This session will break down the differences between these labels, point out some common pitfalls to avoid, and provide strategies for maximising engagement, promoting self-esteem, and raising attainment.

Name of presenter: Jonathan Berliner

Name of facilitator: Vikki Armeson

Type of session: Seminar

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

2.15 pm - 3.15 pm

Parallel session 3C


Session title: Supporting Pupils with a Hearing Loss in School

Brief introduction: In this session participants will develop an understanding of hearing loss, find out about the range of hearing technology used to support pupils and develop an understanding of the impact of a hearing loss and helpful strategies.

Names of presenters: Hannah Cockburn and Karen Wright

Name of facilitator: Andy Hind

Type of session: Seminar

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

2.15 pm - 3.15 pm

Parallel session 3D

Session title: What is it like to work in an SEND school? My experiences as an ECT.

Brief introduction: This session will focus on my experiences of working in a special education school for students with a primary diagnosis of ASC, during my ECT years. I aim to provide an insight into the everyday experiences of an SEND teacher and explore some practical ways you can support autistic pupils in your classroom.

Names of presenters: Carl Roberts

Name of facilitator: Georgina Newton

Type of session: Seminar

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

2.15 pm - 3.15 pm

Parallel session 3E

Alison Morgan photo


Session title: 'Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable’: How to Decolonise the Secondary-School Curriculum

Brief introduction: This session discusses the current debate surrounding the decolonisation of the curriculum and how, through the use of postcolonial theory and anti-racist pedagogies, the secondary curriculum can become more inclusive through the celebration of cultural difference.

Name of presenter: Dr Alison Morgan

Type of session: Seminar

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

3.15 pm - 3.30 pm


3.30 pm - 4.00 pm


Vikki Armeson photo

Rebecca Friesen photo

Session title: Reflecting on the day and setting personal targets

Brief introduction:

Names of presenters: Vikki Armeson/Rebecca Friesen

Type of session: Plenary discussion

Relevant Warwick Teacher Values: Social Justice

Tiles representing different types of people with accessibility issues

Further support materials cafe

We've set up a cafe area for informal networking during the conference. Click on the image below to access the cafe.

Screenshot of cafe

Further information about is available here.