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Tom Perry

Tom Perry photo

Presenter affiliation/organisation:

Education Studies, University of Warwick

Session Title:

The Translation of Cognitive Science to the Classroom: Reflections on the EEF Cognitive Science in the Classroom Review

Abstract/Brief Summary:

Dr Perry’s research and teaching are focused on the use of research and evidence to improve education policy and practice. Research led by Dr Perry has been cited widely and internationally including by UNESCO, a UK Parliament Briefing, the Young Lives International Study, FFT Education Datalab and Education Endowment Foundation newsletters, blogs, and a podcast.

In the first keynote session, Dr Perry will speak about applying cognitive science and how teachers can access, engage with and do research to improve practice. The EEF Cognitive Science review includes some helpful principles, but there is also a lot of thinking and work needed to get this into practice and avoid misapplication in classrooms.


Supplementary resources: