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When do lectures begin?

Lectures for all years will be announced shortly.

Modules taught by the Department of Economics begin with the code ‘EC’. The next part of the code tells you the year in which you take the module, for example EC204 is a year 2 module taught by the Department of Economics.

Lectures and seminars for modules taught by the Warwick Business School (WBS) will start in either week 1 or week 2 and the information will be fed to students through the my.wbs calendar once you have enrolled.

A general timetable for all Undergraduate modules can be found here.

When do support and feedback classes begin?

Support and Feedback classes for all EC-coded modules will begin in Weeks 2 and 3. You will either have been allocated to a group or asked to sign up to a group through Tabula.

Seminars will either be weekly or fortnightly and you will typically receive work in advance which should be completed in preparation for discussion in the seminars.