EC131: Economics for Business
Principal Aims
Students will be given the opportunity to study the essential fundamental concepts in micro and macroeconomics relevant to the study of business. You will develop analytical skills and apply analytical techniques to real world business problems.
Principal Learning Outcomes
Subject knowledge and understanding:...understand key concepts in Economics, such as national income determination, supply, demand and opportunity cost. Demonstrate knowledge of economic trends and key macroeconomic issues, especially in the context of how they affect businesses and how they might adapt to them. Apply key concepts to industry-related problems and issues. Abstract and simplify basic economic problems through the application of simple theoretical models.
Cognitive Skills:...analyse and formulate models for understanding and solving problems. Analyse competing models and hypotheses in a critical way.
Subject-Specific/Professional and apply appropriate economic models and techniques to particular problems especially those of a policy nature and those relating to business and industry. Produce concise and analytical reports relating to economic problems and issues.
The module will typically cover some of the following topics:
Introduction to competitive markets; demand, supply, equilibrium analysis; consumer behaviour in the market; the price mechanism; price elasticity of demand; income elasticity of demand; cross elasticity of demand; price elasticity of supply; economic approaches to business performance and strategy; Internal economics of firms. Costs, productivity and profitability in the short run; economies of scale, economic vulnerability; market structure, including perfect competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly and oligopoly; game theory and strategic thinking; the key macroeconomic variables and their measurement; short term and long term growth; exposure and the macroeconomy; how business can cope with changing and uncertain market and macroeconomic environments; aggregate demand and supply; Keynesian model; multiplier; circular flow of income, including injections and withdrawals; transmission mechanism; types of unemployment; causes of inflation; money markets; ISLM analysis.
- Core Module
- N20E - Year 2, N403 - Year 2, N1RC - Year 2, N1RA - Year 2, N1RB - Year 2, N1RD - Year 2, N20F - Year 1, N20B - Year 1, N400 - Year 1
- Pre or Co-requisites
- This module is not available for Economics students.
- Assessment Method
- Coursework (20%) + In-person Examination (80%)
- Coursework Details
- In-person Examination (80%) , Test 1 (10%) , Test 2 (10%)
- Exam Timing
- Summer
Exam Rubric
Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Read all instructions carefully - and read through the entire paper at least once before you start entering your answers.
There are TWO sections in this paper. Answer ALL questions in Section A (60 marks in total), TWO questions in Section B (20 marks in total) and TWO questions in Section C (20 marks in total).
Answer each whole question in a separate booklet.
Approved scientific (non-graphical) pocket calculators are allowed.
You should not submit answers to more than the required number of questions. If you do, we will mark the questions in the order that they appear, up to the required number of questions in each section.
Previous exam papers can be found in the University’s past papers archive. Please note that previous exam papers may not have operated under the same exam rubric or assessment weightings as those for the current academic year. The content of past papers may also be different.
Reading Lists
2024 EC131: Economics for Business (Terms 2 & 3)