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EC306: Econometrics 2: Time Series

Alexander Karalis Isaac

Module Leader
15 CATS - Department of Economics
Summer Module
Spring Module

Principal Aims

EC306-15 Econometrics 2: Time Series

Principal Learning Outcomes

Carry out empirical analyses using economic and financial time series data. The teaching and learning methods that enable students to achieve this learning outcome are: Lectures, seminars and background reading. The summative assessment methods that measure the achievement of this learning outcome are: Examination and assessment.

Interpret the results of such analyses, in terms of the validity of the inferences that can be drawn, and to appreciate the interplay between data and theory in making such inferences. The teaching and learning methods that enable students to achieve this learning outcome are: Lectures, seminars and background reading. The summative assessment methods that measure the achievement of this learning outcome are: Examination and assessment.

Demonstrate an ability to critically assess empirical papers. The teaching and learning methods that enable students to achieve this learning outcome are: Lectures, seminars and background reading.


Illustrative topics might include:

1. A review of relevant matrix algebra, and maximum likelihood estimation

2. The rationale for dynamic models, and some simple time-series model

3. Unit roots and testing for unit roots

4. Time-series models, model selection and forecasting

5. Spurious regression versus cointegration

6. Multivariate models and cointegration

7. Modelling second moments: ARCH and GARCH models

8. State Space Models


Optional Module
GL11 - Year 3, GL12 - Year 4, L1P5 - Year 1, L1PA - Year 1, LM1D (LLD2) - Year 3, LM1D (LLD2) - Year 4, V7ML - Year 3, V7MM - Year 4, L1CA - Year 3, L1CA - Year 4
Pre or Co-requisites

Any of:

ST218-12 Mathematical Statistics Part A AND

ST219-12 Mathematical Statistics Part B


EC226-30 Econometrics 1


Modules: (ST218-12 and ST219-12) and EC226-30


Assessment Method
Coursework (30%) + In-person Examination (70%)
Coursework Details
In-person Examination (70%) , Written Assignment (1200 words) (30%)
Exam Timing

Exam Rubric

Time Allowed: 2 Hours

Read all instructions carefully - and read through the entire paper at least once before you start entering your answers.

There are TWO sections in this paper. Answer ONE question in Section A (50 marks) and ONE question in Section B (50 marks).

Answer each whole question in a separate booklet.

Approved scientific (non-graphical) pocket calculators are allowed. Statistical tables are provided.

You should not submit answers to more than the required number of questions. If you do, we will mark the questions in the order that they appear, up to the required number of questions in each section.

Previous exam papers can be found in the University’s past papers archive. Please note that previous exam papers may not have operated under the same exam rubric or assessment weightings as those for the current academic year. The content of past papers may also be different.

Reading Lists