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EC322 Topics in Applied Econometrics


Yes, provisionally

Module leader

Wiji Arulampalam


In addition to your degree course regulations, see pages 23-25 of Guide to 2nd and 3rd Year Modules 2002-03

Teaching format

2 hours per week for 20 weeks, comprising 40 lectures

Assessment methods

Continuous assessment component comprising two term essays (20%), plus 3 hour examination (80%)

Academic aims

The module aims to introduce the student to a number of important techniques and tools for undertaking empirical research in economics. Economics data are recorded in various ways, such as observations on a macro aggregate at regular intervals in time, or observations on a number of individuals at a given point of time, or combinations of these two. Different econometric tools will be needed in each case.

Learning objectives

By the end of the module students will have an appreciation of the different techniques needed to analyse different types of economics data, and an understanding of the "problems" that arise in different cases. Students will be able to critically appraise empirical work in the literature, and to use the techniques in empirical research of their own.


The lectures are based on topics, and the topics discussed vary according to the module lecturers. Topics covered last time the module took place were:

  • Modelling aggregate consumption (Mike Clements);
  • Econometric aspects of consumer demand (Dennis Leech);
  • Panel data models and Quantitative dependent variable models (Wiji Arulampalam);
  • Dynamic panel data models and selection bias (Jennifer Smith).

Illustrative reading

T. Amemiya, "Qualitative Response Models: A survey", Journal of Economic Literature, 19, 1483?1536

B. Baltagi (1995) Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Wiley

A. Deaton and J. Muellbauer (1980), Economics and Consumer Behaviour, CUP

C. Hsiao (1986), Analysis of Panel Data, CUP

R. L. Thomas (2000), Introductory Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Longman

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Past Exam Papers
None available