Academic Integrity
The Department of Economics is committed to upholding the University's principles governing Academic Integrity. We want to ensure honesty in academic work, which means giving credit where the ideas of others have been used and demonstrating your own knowledge.
The Department adheres to the University's Academic Integrity FrameworkLink opens in a new window. Students should ensure they are familiar with the framework, and with Regulation 11Link opens in a new window, which governs academic integrity. Detailed guidance on Regulation 11 can be found hereLink opens in a new window.
A breach of academic integrity is called 'academic misconduct'. This term is defined as 'acts or omissions by a student which give or have the potential to give an unfair advantage in an examination or assessment, or might assist someone else to gain an unfair advantage, or an activity likely to undermine the integrity essential to scholarship and research. An advantage is unfair if it is, or intended to be, obtained by an act specifically disallowed in this Regulation, or if it goes against the principles of academic integrity' (Reg 11). However, a breach of academic integrity can occur inadvertently, for example due to being in a rush to complete an assignment and forgetting citations, or by not knowing the requirements in terms of referencing. Ignorance of the rules does not erase problems of academic misconduct but may be considered by academic conduct panels.
Students should be aware that ACPs and vivas may be conducted during vacation periods.
Misconduct includes (this list is not exhaustive):
- Plagiarism. Presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, (this can include copy-pasting directly from 'shared' study group notes as you don't know who else may have done the same). Plagiarism would also include the deliberate and detailed presentation of concepts generated via artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT or similar) as one's own.*
- Self-plagiarism. Submitting the same work that you have already submitted for another assessment (either at Warwick or elsewhere), unless this is permitted;
- Taking a copy of another student’s work without their permission;
- Passing someone your work to use as they see fit;
- Collusion. Working with one or more other people on an assessment which is intended to be your own work;
- Contract cheating. When someone partially or fully completes your work for you, whether for remuneration or not, which is then submitted as your own (including use of essay mills or buying work or code online);
Arranging for someone else to impersonate you by undertaking your assessment or examination, in person or otherwise;
- Accessing, or attempting to access, unseen assessment materials in advance of an in-person or online examination, or to obtain or share unseen materials in advance of an in-person or online examination, or to facilitate such activities;
Submitting fraudulent mitigating circumstances claims or falsifying evidence in support of mitigating circumstances claims (this may also be considered a non-academic disciplinary matter);
- Fabrication or falsification of research, including falsifying data, evidence or experimental results;
The Economics Department Academic Integrity Team is made up of Academic and Professional Services Staff.
*The Department strongly recommends keeping accurate records when using AI, such as screenshots. When submitting on Tabula, you will have to declare you're complying with the assignment guidelines.
The Department of Economics has produced a number of guides to ensure students understand how we investigate potential breaches of Academic Integrity.
Economics Academic Integrity - At a GlanceLink opens in a new window
Economics Academic Integrity - Types of misconduct
Economics Academic Integrity Student Guide
Economics Academic Integrity - Penalties
Economics Academic Integrity - Misconduct or Poor Practice
Academic Integrity Presentation
The University has produced a number of Moodle courses that students can take to aid them in understanding and avoiding academic misconduct or poor academic practice.
Avoiding PlagiarismLink opens in a new window
Introduction to ReferencingLink opens in a new window
Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity
Further useful information can be found below:
Proof Reading policyLink opens in a new window
Code of Conduct for Post-Assessment VivasLink opens in a new window
Guidance for People Accompanying Students (coming soon)
If you have any queries you can contact the Academic Integrity team on: