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Question Time 2015

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Question Time 2015

Each year we host Economics Question Time giving new and current students, as well as staff at the University, an excellent opportunity to watch exciting panellists discussing a range of issues.

Question Time 2015 will be held on Monday 5th October, 5.30pm – 7pm in Butterworth Hall, Warwick Arts Centre.

Join the debate and engage with the experts.

The event, which is very similar in format to the popular BBC television show, will form part of our induction activities for economics students to start the new academic year in style and is an excellent opportunity for students to engage with politicians, policy makers and academics on major issues and questions that concern the world.


Registration for this event is compulsory.

Register now

Question Time 2015 panellists

Douglas Carswell (website)

Douglas has been elected to Parliament on four occasions, twice as a Conservative, and most recently twice for UKIP and favours free markets, small government and individual freedom. He is the only UKIP Member of Parliament

The Right Honourable Hazel Blears

Hazel was a Member of Parliament for Salford for 18 years and held various roles including Health Minister, Police and Counter Terrorism Minister and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. More recently she was a member of the Intelligence and Security Committee.

Vicky Pryce (website)

Greek-born British Economist, Business Consultant and Author, Vicky’s roles have included Director General for Economics at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and Joint Head of the UK Government Economics Service (GES). She is author of several books including Greekonomics.

Professor Nigel Thrift

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick and one of the world's leading human geographers and social scientists.

Professor Abhinay Muthoo

Head of the Department of Economics and Co-director of the Warwick Policy Lab, Professor Muthoo's research interests include conflict and negotiations, international development, and public policy.

Event Chair

Siobhan Benita

Siobhan is the Director of the Warwick Policy Lab in the Department of Economics and is a former senior Civil Servant who ran as an independent candidate in the 2012 Mayor of London election.

Previous events

This is the third year of our hugely successful and popular Question Time event and below is a summary of last years event which featured Lord Norman Lamont, Jacqui Smith and David Goodhart.

You can find out more about Economics Question Time at

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