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Media and new technologies in the Brexit referendum

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Media and new technologies in the Brexit referendum

This event is by invitation only

The media and the use of new communication technologies were a key factor in debate around the Brexit referendum. The link between media, information and political attitudes has been widely explored in the social sciences. Nevertheless, knowledge trends remain restricted to specific domains such as political economy, political sciences, and communication & media studies. The workshop organised by the Department of Economics and Warwick Policy Lab (WPL) seeks to narrow this gap by bringing together academics from different backgrounds to discuss the role the media and the provision of information about the EU to the general public, as well as relations between the UK and the EU in the run-up of the Brexit referendum. The workshop will be followed by an open lecture about the UK-EU Relations under Theresa May's Government.


Author Affiliation Title
Anna Wambach The School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Newcastle University
‘It’s not racist to be Eurosceptic’: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of ‘Eurosceptics’ in the 2014 European Election Coverage by British Media
Claudia Zucca

University of Exeter, Kieskompas

The impact of VAAs in the 2015 UK General Election: Insights on British Responses to VAA Generated Information
Alex Dobson Department of Economics,
Univeristy of Warwick
Youth political attitudes: Insights from VERTO
Sofia Vasilopoulou Department of Politics,
University of York
Negotiation vs Brexit: Attitudes towards the UK's constitutional relationship with the EU
Davide Morisi Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom from EUI The power of campaign arguments in the EU referendum
Carolyn Rowe Aston Centre for Europe,
Aston University
Engaging young voters in the debate on Britain's EU referendum 2016: politics, performance and play

Andrew Clencross

Emily St Denny

History & Politics Division, Universityt of Sterling

Public Policy Institute for Wales, University of Cardiff

Remain or Leave: Refelctions on the pedagogical and informative value of a Massive Open Onlince Course on the 2016 UK referendum on EU membership
Tatiana Coutto Department of Economics, University of Warwick The media and democratic practices: EU-related e-petitions and the Brexit referendum
