Undergraduate Mentor Awards Lunch 2017

Undergraduate Mentor Awards Lunch 2017
Thursday 16 Mar 2017To celebrate your hard work over the past academic year, we will be holding a thank you lunch and awards ceremony for 2016/17 mentors. We would be delighted if all current mentors could join us for this special event. We will start with prosecco, orange juice and canapes on the balcony, followed by a two course lunch and the awards announcements.
Date: Friday 5 May
Time: 1- 2.30pm
Location: Cryfield Sports Pavilion
All mentors will receive your certificate of participation and we’ll be announcing the results of this year’s mentor scheme awards! The award nominations are made by your mentees and the winners are chosen by the department.
This is an occasion not to be missed so please book your place now. You can find the event under module 'EC GEN'.
We are delighted to announce that this year's nominees are:
- Neha Shamdas
- Shree Bathia
- Andrew Jamieson
- Marvin McKenzie
- Thomas Salzer
- Dilveer Samra
- Alex Ioannou
- Natalie Stafford Johnson
- Martin Li
- Dolapo Koleosho
- Mayuko Takada
- Rohan Mer
- Abhinav Aggarwal
- Verdi Choo Zhixin
- Felicitas Filsinger
- Becky Lee
- Zaid Siddiqi
- Mara Balasa
- Chris North
- Harry Beeching
- Priyanshi Shah