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Undergraduate Mentor and Ambassador Awards Lunch 2019

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Undergraduate Mentor and Ambassador Awards Lunch 2019

To celebrate your hard work over the past academic year, we will be holding a thank you lunch and awards ceremony for 2018/19 mentors and ambassadors. We will start with prosecco, orange juice and canapes on the balcony, followed by a two course lunch and the awards announcements.

Date: Thursday 2 May 2019
Time: 13:00 - 14:30
Venue: Cryfield Sports Pavillion

All mentors will receive their certificate of participation and we’ll be announcing the results of this year’s mentor and ambassador awards.


This is an occasion not to be missed so please book your place now via Tabula. You can find the event under module 'EC.GENERAL'. Spaces are limited so please only sign-up if you are able to attend.

Register via Tabula


The awards available this year are:

  • Best Mentor Team - This award recognises and celebrates the performance of a mentor team who work together as active partners to provide exceptional service for their mentor group.
  • Best Mentor - This award recognises and celebrates individual mentors who have demonstrated exceptional contribution to the mentor scheme through a combination of effort, commitment and provision of an environment that has a positive impact on their mentees.
  • Mentor Award - Department's Choice - This category will be voted for by administrative members of the Economics Department who have involvement in the mentor scheme, based on your nominations.
  • Ambassador Award - Department's Choice - This category will voted for by administrative members of the Economics Department who work closely with the Economics Student Ambassadors.

Submit your nomination below, before midnight on Friday 12 April 2019.