Live virtual comedy show with Yoram Bauman, Ph.D.
Live virtual comedy show with Yoram Bauman, Ph.D.
Monday 8 Mar 2021The Department of Economics is delighted to be hosting a live (virtual) comedy show by Stand-Up Economist Yoram Bauman, Ph.D. which will include economics jokes, some time spent talking seriously about climate change and then a few more economics jokes.
Economics, comedy and climate change
Date: Friday 5 March 15:00-16:00 (UK Time)
Location: Microsoft Teams
This event is for staff and students only and registration is required in order to attend.
About the speaker
Yoram Bauman, “the world’s first and only stand-up economist”, is the co-author of the Cartoon Introduction to Calculus, the Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change and the two-volume Cartoon Introduction to Economics. He is also the organiser of the humour session at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association, the largest economics conference in the world.
Yoram lives in Salt Lake City, USA but spent the prior two decades in Seattle, where he was the founder of Carbon Washington, which in 2016 placed the first-ever carbon tax measure on the ballot in the United States. He also co-founded an organisation in Utah called Clean the Darn Air that aims to put clean-air-and-climate measures on ballot in that state.
He has a BA in mathematics from Reed College and a PhD in economics from the University of Washington, 2003. His goals in life are to spread joy to the world through economics comedy; to reform economics education; and to implement carbon pricing.
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