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MSc Showcase

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MSc Showcase

Thinking of studying an MSc in Economics at Warwick? Please join us at an informal event where you can find out more about our courses, admissions and career paths.

Date: Tuesday 27 February 2024
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Location: R0.21, Ramphal Building

During the event there is an opportunity to discover more about the MSc courses and hear from a current MSc student on what it's like to study economics at Warwick. You will also hear about the possible career opportunities open to you after graduating, followed by refreshments in the Ramphal Foyer where you can chat informally with the module leaders.


Time Programme
14:00 - 14:20 Welcome and Our Programmes - Professor Thijs van Rens, Director of Potgraduate Taught Studies
14:20 - 14:30 The Student Perspective - Narkiz Aydogan, currently studying MSc Economics and International Financial Economics
14:30 - 14:40

Applying for an MSc with Assistant Professor Andrew Harkins, MSc Admissions Tutor

14:40 - 14:50 Career Pathways with Stephanie Redding, Senior Careers Consultant and Dr Atisha Ghosh, Academic Careers Lead
14:50 - 15:00 Q&A.
15:00 Refreshments and Meet the Module Leaders

Registration for this event is mandatory and please only register if you will be attending. Please complete the below form.

Registration will close on Monday 26 February at midday.

You will receive an email with final details closer to the event.

Please click the link below to register.
