Warwick Economics Lecture with Jill Pay

Warwick Economics Lecture with Jill Pay
Thursday 6 Feb 2025The Department of Economics is delighted to welcome Jill Pay, Chair of The Gender Index, to give a guest lecture.
'My Kaleidoscope Career That Led to The Gender Index'.
Date: Thursday 6 February 2025
Time: 12.00-13.00pm
Location: Woods-Scawen Room, Arts Centre
This event is for students and staff only and registration is required in order to attend. Refreshments will be provided before the lecture.
Dr Christian Soegaard will introduce the speaker and chair the event. You will have the opportunity to ask questions in a Q&A at the end of the lecture.
This event counts towards PDM credits for first year undergraduate Economics students.
About the Speaker

Jill is Co-founder and Chairman of The Gender Index, a not-for-profit organization that is quantifying the impact of women-led companies to achieve positive and disruptive change. She is also Non-executive Director of mnAI, an AI-driven technology company that gives real-time research and analysis on UK companies. Her career has zigzagged across public and private sectors and the enormous impact is that she is now a relentless champion of the need to establish metrics to standardize economic progression led by women.
Previously Jill was Serjeant at Arms in the House of Commons and the first woman to hold this position in 600 years. Her appointment was unusual in that her predecessors all came from a military background, whereas her roots are firmly established in business.
Jill holds a number of senior roles for organisations including the children’s literacy charity Coram Beanstalk, the global women’s business hub Savvitas Global and the Women and Enterprise All Party Parliamentary Group. She is a major driving force behind the acceleration and empowerment of female entrepreneurship internationally.
Please note: Photography will be taking place at this event, which may be used for marketing purposes (e.g. promotional materials). By registering your attendance at this event, you are giving consent to be photographed, however if you do not wish to be photographed, please inform the photographer or a member of Economics staff on the day. You can withdraw your consent at any time via email to maxine.thacker@warwick.ac.uk.
Registration is mandatory and please only register if you are going to attend, as spaces are limited.
Registration will close on Wednesday 5 February at 8pm.