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Week 26

Department News

Daniel Sgroi - World Wellbeing Panel Results

The results of the February 2018 World Wellbeing Panel survey have now been posted online. There were two questions concerning gender and wellbeing, and you can see the answers given by the panel here (including Daniel Sgroi who is a panel member).

Staff Recognition Scheme - March's Nominations

This months’ successful nominations have been awarded to:

The Undergraduate Office (Team Award)

Stephanie Caven (Finance Officer), Pedro Serodio (Teaching Fellow), Margaret Nash (Administration Assistant), Sharon Yarrow (Administration Assistant), Thiemo Fetzer (Associate Professor), Colin Ellis (Facilities Assistant).

Don’t forget to nominate a colleague - more information on the scheme is available here.

University Staff Awards

Economics has received 22 nominations in total! Shortlisting is due to take place very soon – watch this space to see if any of our staff have made it through to the shortlist!

Turning banking crisis into a play- co-written by Marcus Miller

On March 1st 2018, a Shakespearean-style morality play "Desdemona of Cyprus", co-written by Marcus Miller and Nicholas Beale, Director of Sciteb, was performed by students from the Leicester School of Business. It followed an Economics seminar during which Prof Panicos Demetriades, former Governor of the Cyprus Central Bank, talked about his book "A Diary of the Euro Crisis in Cyprus" - which served as the inspiration for turning a banking crisis into a morality play.

Sporting Activities for Term 3 - Get involved!

There will be two sets of activities occurring throughout Term 3 and we encourage all staff to come along and take part. The first activity will be zumba at the Westwood Dance Studio on Mondays from 16-00 – 17.00 and the second will be football at Cryfield 4G Pitch on Sundays from 17.00-18.00. These activities are available to students to book via Tabula.

Summer Term - Staff Buffet Lunch

In the Summer Term, Staff Buffet Lunch will take place on Thursday’s in Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Room S2.79, 12.30pm-1.30pm. PhD and MRes Students will be invited to join in Weeks 1 & 9. The menu will be emailed on Wednesday prior to the Buffet Lunch.

Library Resources - Update from our Economic Librarian

The Library has spent £730,000 on new e-books and electronic resources for this academic year so far; we hope every Department will benefit from at least some of them. We are still hoping to take out more new journals on your wish list if funds permit - watch this space! News of what was purchased is on the Library website . Most of the purchases were "one-off" collections and journal archives. Please contact your Economics Librarian,, if you would like to suggest more journals for your wish list in future. Thanks very much!.

Lunch-time Walks - Mondays and Thursdays at 1-1.30pm

If you are looking for a healthy lunchtime activity and an opportunity to discover the campus and meet colleagues, come and walk with us! Meet us at 1pm in the entrance foyer on Mondays or Thursdays, starting Monday 19 March. All Welcome. (Bozena and Delphine)

Publications, Presentations & Talks

Andrew Oswald's paper "Do Women Ask?", joint with Ben Artz at Wisconsin and Amanda Goodall at Cass Business School, is to be published in Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society.

Abstract: Females typically earn less than males. The reasons are not fully understood. This paper re-examines the idea that women ‘don’t ask’, which potentially assigns part of the responsibility for the gender pay gap on to female behavior. Such an account cannot readily be tested with standard data sets. This paper is the first to be able to use matched employer-employee data in which workers are questioned about their asking behaviour. It concludes that males and females ask equally often for promotions and raises. The paper’s empirical results suggest, however, that while women do now ask they ‘don’t get’.

Liliana Varela's will be discussing the paper "Currency Manipulation" by Hassan, Mertens and Zhang at the Conference Capital Flows, Currency Wars and Monetary Policy of the NBER, in the United States.

Liliana's paper "Reallocation, competition and productivity: Evidence from a financial liberalization episode" was published at the The Review of Economic Studies, 2018, Vol. 85, Issue 2: 1279:1313.

Abstract: This paper studies the impact of distortions in the access to international capital markets on competition and productivity. I show that a reduction in these distortions leads to an increase in aggregate productivity through two different channels. First, firms that were previously credit constrained respond to better financing terms by increasing their investment in technology, a reallocation effect. Second, non-constrained firms also expand their investment in technology because of increased competition, a pro-competitive effect. I provide evidence for these two channels using firm-level census data from the deregulation of international financial flows in Hungary.

Eric Melander presented his paper "Creating 'Us and Them': Racial Propaganda, Insularity and Right-Wing Ideology" at Leicester PhD Conference on 22-23 March and at the RES Symposium of Junior Researchers on 29th March.

Dennis Novy presented research on "The Economic Impact of the Leave Vote: Evidence from Prices and Trade Flows" (joint with Breinlich, Leromain and Sampson) in a special session at the Royal Economic Society Conference at Sussex University.

Federico Trombetta presented his paper "When the light shines too much: rational inattention and pandering" at the Royal Economic Society Conference on 28th March and will present the same paper at the RES Symposium of Junior Researchers on 29th March.

Matteo Gamalerio presented his paper "Not welcome anymore: the effect of electoral incentives on the reception of refugees" at the Royal Economic Society in Brighton on Wednesday 28th March.

Giovanni Ricco presented his paper "A Model of the Fed's View on Inflation' at the French Treasury" at the French Treasury on Wednesday 28th March.

Daniel Sgroi presented “The Effect of Positive Mood on Cooperation in the Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma” at the Royal Economic Society annual conference at the University of Sussex on 28th March.

Mark Harrison presented his paper “The Soviet economy: the late 1930s in historical perspective” (with R. W. Davies, Oleg Khlevniuk, and Stephen G. Wheatcroft) to a conference on “Soviet socialism in labor, material culture, and migration” held at Michigan State University on 23-24 March.

Mike Waterson participated in a U3A (University of the Third Age) event in Kenilworth, talking and discussing the role of energy storage on Wednesday 21st March.

Media Coverage

"Electoral Incentives influence the reception of refugees: Evidence from Italy" - Matteo Gamalerio - March 2018

"Are stereotypes impacting your career and work decisions?" - Andrew Oswald's research discussed: HR Zone - 23rd March 2018

Department Diary

  • 360 Guest Lecture - Andy Haldane | 23 April | 5.15-6.15pm | M1 Lecture Theatre, WBS
  • Offer Holders Open Day | 25 April | 12.30-15.00pm | Oculus OC0.03
    Update: We will be welcoming our offer holders on the above date. Please save the date in your diary. We ask staff to join prospective students & their parents for lunch in the Oculus at 12.30pm
  • Final Year Photos and RAE Celebration | 24 April | 13.00-14.00pm - Meeting at Social Sciences steps for the Final Year Photos and 14.00-17.30 - at the Terrace Bar for the RAE Celebration)
    Update: Please save the date in your diary
  • 360 Guest Lecture - Angus Armstrong | 30 April | 18.00-19.00pm | MS.01
  • Warwick Economics PhD Conference | 2-3 May | All day | S2.79
  • Political Economy Conference 2018 | 12-13 May | All day | Venice
  • PG Photo and Social | 29 May | 7.00pm | The Slate
  • Economics Graduaton Day | 20 July | Butterworth Hall
    Update: We request both academic and administration staff to save the date in your diaries.
  • Tea @3 (every Wednesday) | 3.00-3.30pm | Staff Common Room | Social Sciences Building
  • Staff Buffet Lunch for staff (every fortnightly on Thursday) | 12.30 - 1.30pm | S2.79 | Social Sciences Building

Staff Interview

Nivi is in the spotlight for this week's staff interview - find out more about her

Other News

Language Centre - Summer taster courses

Enrol now to find out more about the summer taster courses on offer. These courses are aimed at absolute beginners, you can take courses in Chinese, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Learn more about these courses and enrol by 11th April.

Name a building

The University of Warwick are acquiring a new building on Westwood Business Park – and you might get to name it. Suggest a name before the 6th April. Find out more here.