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Our Initiatives

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Women Virtual Coffee during Lockdown

To stay in touch and help each others during the COVI-19 crisis.

Bishnu Gupta

Natalie Chen

Michela Redoano

Every other weeks All female staff and PhD students

Seminar Timetabling: all seminars in the department will have to end by 4 o'clock.

To facilitate seminar attendance and increase participation and research interaction and networking Michela Redoano From next academic year onwards Academic staff with dependents

WAW Women Mentoring event in conjunction with Warwick Applied Economics Workshop

To pass information about the job market and life as female junior (or less junior) faculty to female grad students. The outcomes we have in mind are our graduate students' motivation, wellbeing, and success on the job market.

Web page here:

Michela Redoano and Roland Rathelot

19th June 2020

Female graduate students in the department (finishing PhD, post docs and junior member of the staff).

Women in Economics Students Workshop

This workshop aims to bring Economics undergraduate students’ perspectives to the debate on how to make Economics a more diverse discipline and attract more female students from different backgrounds.

Steffie Paredes

18-19 Jan 2020


DLink opens in a new windowiscover Economics at Warwick eventLink opens in a new window

Discover Economics aims to open the eyes of Year 10 students from local state schools to the exciting subject of economics, to help them gain a better understanding of what economics is at a crucial stage of their education, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding their future studies. Students and teachers will participate in a number of activities and exciting and insightful talks from academic and professional economists. Our event is particularly designed to emphasise the role of women in economics with the objective to widen female participation within the subject.

Web page of the event here: opens in a new window

Lory Barile

in collaboration with

Bozena Beauclair and

Charlotte White


14-15 year old school pupils.

Addressing Gender Bias at Warwick Economics


This initiative aims to increase diversity in the discipline and attract more female students. Trained undergraduates from Warwick, will visit local schools to deliver short classes integrating Economics and the role of Economists into the Maths, Business and PSHE curriculum. We will partner with economists from industry who will come and talk to school students about the discipline and the career options open to those with an Economics degree.

Isleide Zissimos and Lory Barile

in collaboration with

Bozena Beauclair and Charlotte White


15-17 year old school pupils.

Women in Economics Networking Events

Aims to provide a safe space for females in the economics department to discuss issues relevant to gender and the working environment and culture. Meetings happen termly

Bishnu Gupta, Natalie Chen, Michela Redoano

Starting in AY 2019-20, ongoing (at least once a term)

Female academic staff and research students.