NSS2014 - Almost there...

NSS2014 - Almost there...
Thursday 10 Apr 2014We are almost at the end of the National Student Survey period and we just wanted to let you know the Department has now achieved a response rate of 77.3% and we are absolutely delighted. A huge thank you to all of you who have contributed to this great response.
We have reached the threshold for the Summer Party tickets which we’ll be awarding just as soon as the NSS is over at the end of April. However, we still have 4 nice new shiny iPads to give away but we need to reach our target of 83%, the same as last year’s overall response. Just 19 more students need to complete the survey to get there so please help us.
You will also be eligible for a thank you of £5 on your Eating at Warwick card. www.warwick.ac.uk/nss