Minouche Shafik, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, delivers a Warwick Policy Lab lecture hosted by the Department of Economics
Minouche Shafik, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, delivers a Warwick Policy Lab lecture hosted by the Department of Economics
Friday 27 Feb 2015Minouche Shafik, Deputy Governor for Markets & Banking at the Bank of England, visited The University of Warwick to deliver a lecture as part of the Warwick Policy Lab/Department of Economics 360 lecture series.
Minouche delivered her lecture, entitled "Goodbye ambiguity, hello clarity: the Bank of England's relationship with financial markets", to a packed lecture theatre of students, staff and guests, and afterwards fielded questions from the audience in an interesting Q&A session.
We caught up with Minouche for a very quick chat about her lecture, why she came to speak to economics students at Warwick and to get her advice for current students.
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The full lecture will be available on the Department of Economics YouTube channel at a future date.