Department of Economics commended in Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Award 2021
Department of Economics commended in Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Award 2021
Tuesday 7 Dec 2021We are pleased to announce that the Wellbeing, Equality, Diversity and Gender Group (WEDGG) within the Department of Economics has been commended as part of the University of Warwick’s inaugural Excellence in Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) Award 2021.
The award recognises the work WEDGG has done, increasing the Department’s commitment to building more inclusive environments and experiences through our everyday behaviours. WEDGG consists of representatives of our diverse community (staff and students) to consider issues of wellbeing, equality, diversity and gender. The work involved collaboration between WEDGG and the Department’s HR and Marketing teams to devise and agree Our Community Values. It culminated in presenting the values at a Departmental Meeting (15 January 2020), which were subsequently agreed as our key principles: Respect, Integrity and Accountability.
The Our Community Values webpage promotes these principles widely and helps ensure that the values are reflected in our working practices and interactions with all staff, students and departmental visitors.
The judges of the ED&I Award 2021 said about our Community Values work:
“This is important work… making community values very visible. This will be important in engaging staff and driving culture change.”
Dr Michela Redoano, Associate Professor and Chair of WEDGG, and Lisa Hayes, member of WEDGG and HR Officer for the Department of Economics, were presented with the certificate at the Excellence in ED&I Award ceremony on 3 November.
Dr Michela Redoano said:
“I am very proud of this achievement which shows that our team effort has been recognised. Our key values of Respect, Integrity and Accountability are important to us in everything we do, and we will continue embedding them into our work and study environment.”
The new award was launched by the Warwick Institutional Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team and the Gender Task Force to acknowledge commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and to share best practice.
For further details about the award and other winners in all categories, visit the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Inaugural Excellence in ED&I Award 2021 page.