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Accepting your Scholarship Offer

We are delighted that you have chosen to accept the offer of an Economics MRes/PhD Scholarship at the University of Warwick.

The Terms and Conditions of your award are listed below, we would ask that you read these carefully and complete the declaration at the bottom of this page in order to accept your offer of a scholarship. We would recommend printing this page for your own records.

By accepting the Economics MRes/PhD Scholarship award holders are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions below.

Terms and Conditions

Please read the Terms and Conditions below carefully and complete the declaration at the bottom of the page to accept your scholarship. An email receipt of your acceptance will be sent to you.


  1. By accepting this scholarship students are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions below.
  1. The Scholarship is subject to the student abiding with the University rules and regulations, as set out in the University Calendar at all times. 
  1. The Scholarship is subject to fulfilment of all conditions of admission and successful completion of registration and enrolment. Continuation of all awards are subject to subsequent re-enrolment in all future academic years. 
  1. Students who are sponsored on a student visa must meet the conditions of their visa in addition to the conditions of their studentship at all times.


  1. The scholarship is comprised of the following:


  • An annual stipend to match the UKRI rate in force at the time of enrolment each academic year. Annual stipend awards will be paid in twelve monthly instalments in advance into a UK bank account.
  • Accommodation fees are not covered. The stipend is intended to be a contribution towards living expenses.


  • Tuition fees for the entire MRes programme for 2 years.
  • Tuition fees for the entire PhD for 4 years.
  • All fees will be paid directly to the University. 

Immigration Costs 

  • Overseas students will be able to reclaim visa costs and the Immigration Health Surcharge. Information on how to claim this back will be provided by the department at the start of the first academic year of your studies.

Department Funds

  • Access to a personal fund of up to £1,500 to support conference attendance and other research activities over the 6 years of the MRes/PhD programme.
  • Funding assistance for attendance at job market events (relevant at the time) to support academic job market activities in the final stages of your PhD.
  • Access (competitive) to an annual departmental fund to support research activities such as data purchase, experiments, field trips.
  • Requests for funds are made by way of application and subject to approval from the department Director of MRes/PhD.
  1. The maximum stipend, fees and costs that the University will contribute in clause 5 shall be set out in the cover letter confirming the offer of a student’s scholarship.

Student Obligations

  1. Students must make good progress in, and complete by the dates scheduled, all courses, modules, workshops and other activities required to a satisfactory standard as determined by their department.


  1. During the second year of the MRes, and during the entire PhD, students are expected to contribute a small amount of class teaching and marking within the department. The requirements are as follows:
  • For year 2 MRes students, 2x 1 hour classes during terms 1 and 2, (16 weeks), plus 20 hours of marking.
  • For PhD students, 3x 1-hour classes during terms 1 and 2 (16 weeks), plus 40 hours of marking each year.
  • For this teaching, students will be paid in addition to the stipend at an hourly rate set by the University. Payment will cover preparation time, class time, providing advice, feedback hours and marking.

Alternative Funding

  1. If a student is successful in obtaining commensurate funding from any alternative source (including employment not set out at clause 8 above), they must disclose this to the department immediately. In these circumstances the department retains the right to amend all or part of a student’s funding set out at clause 5. Usually, the student must choose which source of funding to accept; they cannot hold both without prior written consent from all parties.
  1. Any student in receipt of funding remains responsible for immediately notifying the department of any changes to their funding arrangements throughout their period of study.

Final Payment

  1. Stipend payments are normally made until or upon (1) the month that a student commences any kind of employment excluding that set out at clause 5 above (2) the agreed end of the funded period (3) the conferral of a student’s PhD by senate or (4) a student’s permanent withdrawal, whichever is earlier.
  1. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the department when an offer of employment is made if the start date is during the funded period.
  1. Students shall be responsible for repayment of any overpayment of stipend payments made to them.

Study Location

  1. Both home and international students should be resident in the UK throughout their studies.
  1. Students are expected to be registered as full-time students and based at the University throughout their course of study.
  1. MRes students are expected to be present on campus during term time and in accordance with their timetabled classes.
  1. PhD students are expected to be present on campus a minimum of three days a week during term time.
  1. The student must live within a reasonable travel time of the University to ensure that they are able to maintain regular contact with the department and supervisor(s), and to enable them to use facilities and engage in relevant training and research events.
  1. Geographical location is not an acceptable reason for students being unable to meet the conditions of their funding, including attendance at core training modules and induction events.
  1. Travel to the University is considered ordinary commuting and is therefore not subject to expense claims.


  1. The objective of providing funding is to enable students to successfully complete their studies and so the department will consider termination of the award only as a last resort. However, the department reserves the right to terminate an award if a student breaks any of the terms and conditions of their award, if their progress is unsatisfactory or if they are absent from their studies without authorisation for prolonged and or frequent periods.

Disabled Students Allowance

  1. Students should contact Disability Services for further advice and support.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions


Scholarship start date: the scholarship will commence from 29th September 2025

Please tick the box to confirm you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of your Economics MRes/PhD Scholarship. (required)
Please tick the box to confirm that you accept the Terms and Conditions of your Economics MRes/PhD Scholarship. (required)
Please tick the box to confirm your acceptance of your Economics MRes/PhD Scholarship. (required)
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The personal data supplied in this form will be used to record your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions for a scholarship at the University of Warwick. It may also be shared with other departments within the University of Warwick and with UK Research Councils if necessary to meet our reporting responsibilities to the Research Councils. It will not be shared with other external agencies. Data held by the department is also subject to the central University Data Protection Policy, which can be viewed here.

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