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Indian migrants caught in the lockdown: How many will return? Where will they come from? Where will they return to?

Indian migrants caught in the lockdown: How many will return? Where will they come from? Where will they return to?

22/2020 Clement Imbert
coronavirus, policy briefing, culture and development

22/2020 Clement Imbert

Since March 24th when the lockdown of India was announced, many migrant workers have been without work, and were prevented from going home. Without support from their family and networks back home, they have to rely on government assistance for food and shelter. The plight of migrants gathered in camps, protesting at train stations, or walking hundreds of kilometres, has moved the nation and the world. After May 3rd, once restrictions on mobility are lifted, they are expected to return home. This return migration poses the risk of carrying the virus to rural areas with poor public health provision. In the sectors where they would have been working, labour shortages are feared.

Culture and Development