PhD Mini-Courses
Summer, 2009: The Empirical Content of Equilibrium Models
This course will study the empirical regularities implied by the competitive equilibrium model, and the extent to which equilibrium outcomes can be used to infer the unobservable fundamentals of a competitive economy.
- Taught by: Andrés Carvajal and Herakles Polemarchakis.
- Dates: May 18-22, 2009.
- Format: There will be five sessions, in addition to a two-hour introductory session (intended for students without a background in economics).
- Time: The introductory session will be on Monday 18, at 10AM; there will be two sessions on May 19, at 10AM-12N and at 4-5PM, two on May 20, at 10AM-12N and at 3-5PM, and one on May 22, at 10AM-12N.
- Place: Room D1.07, in the Warwick Complexity Complex.
- Some references, and a brief description of the kind of problem to be covered in the lectures, are here and here.