Home working and the labour market
CAGE policy briefing: Remote work and the post-pandemic UK labour market (May 2021)
Mirko Draca, Emma Duchini, Roland Rathelot and Giulia Vattuone
CAGE working paper: Away from home and back: Coordinating (remote) workers in 1800 and 2020 (January 2021)
Réka Juhász, Mara P. Squicciarini and Nico Voigtländer
CAGE policy briefing: How are workers searching for jobs during the COVID-19 crisis? (May 2020)
Lena Hensvik, Thomas Le Barbanchon, Roland Rathelot
Working paper: Job search during the COVID-19 crisis (May 2020)
Lena Hensvik, Thomas Le Barbanchon and Roland Rathelot
Working paper: Which jobs are done from home? Evidence from the American Time Use Survey (April 2020)
Lena Hensvik, Thomas Le Barbanchon and Roland Rathelot