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Amedeo Andriollo

Curriculum VitaeLink opens in a new window

Contact details

Email: amedeo dot andriollo at warwick dot ac dot uk

Advice & feedback hours: Monday 11:30-13:00 (via email). Room: S1.115.

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As an econometrician, I am interested in econometric theory and its empirical applications. I specialize in time series, with a particular focus on asset returns and macroeconomic data. My research agenda is divided into two main themes: analyzing nonlinear dependence in macroeconomic time series and examining empirical asset pricing methodologies.

Click here below for visiting my personal website. opens in a new window

Research Interests

  • Primary: Econometrics, Time series
  • Secondly: Empirical Asset Pricing, Macroeconomics

Working papers

  • Causality versus Serial Correlation: an Asymmetric Portmanteau Test. 2024.
    [Job Market Paper].
  • Misspecification and Weak Identification in the Nontraded Factor Zoo. (with Cesare Robotti and Xinyi Zhang). 2024.
  • On the Statistical Properties of Tests of Parameter Restrictions in Beta-pricing Models with a Large Number of Assets (with Cesare RobottiLink opens in a new window and Giulio Rossetti). 2023.

Work in progress


  • University of Warwick.
    Postgraduate level: EC9A3 Advanced Econometric Theory, 2021-4, taught by Eric Renault and Luis Candelaria.
    Undergraduate level: EC226 Econometrics, 2021-2, taught by Jeremy Smith and Kenichi Nagasawa; EC204 Economics 2, 2021, taught by Jennifer Smith; EC201 Macroeconomics 2, 2021, taught by Roberto Pancrazi.
  • Queen Mary University of London.
    Graduate level: Economics of Inequality (EMAP), 2022, taught by Sang Yoon Lee.
  • University of Bologna.
    Graduate level: Macroeonomics 3, 2018, taught by Laura Bottazzi.