"Cable Regulation in the Internet Era", Chapter 4 in Rose, N., ed., "Economic Regulation and Its Reform: What Have We Learned?", forthcoming, University of Chicago Press.
"Accommodating Endogenous Product Choices: A Progress Report," International Journal of Industrial Organization, v30 (2012), 315-320.
"The Welfare Effects of Bundling in Multichannel Television Markets,'' American Economic Review, v102n2 (April 2012), 643-685.
" Economics at the FCC: 2007-2008," (with Evan Kwerel and Jonathan Levy), Review of Industrial Organization, v33n3 (November 2008), 187-210.
"The Discriminatory Incentives to Bundle in the Cable Television Industry ," Quantitative Marketing and Economics, v6n1 (March 2008), 41-78.
" Bidding Asymmetries in Multi-Unit Auctions: Implications of Bid Function Equilibria in the British Spot Market for Electricity ," (with Joseph Crespo and Helen Tauchen), International Journal of Industrial Organization , v25n6 (December 2007), 1233-1268.
"Bundling, Product Choice, and Efficiency: Should Cable Television Networks be Offered A La Carte?", (with Joseph Cullen), Information Economics and Policy, v19n3-4 (October 2007), 379-404.
"Monopoly Quality Degradation and Regulation in Cable Television ," (with Matthew Shum), Journal of Law and Economics, v50n1 (February 2007), 181-209.
"Uncertainty and Learning in Pharmaceutical Demand ," (with Matthew Shum), Econometrica, 73n4 (July 2005), 1135-1174.
"Recent Advances in Structural Econometric Modeling: Dynamics, Product Positioning, and Entry," (with J.-P. Dube, K. Sudhir, A. Ching, M. Draganska, J. Fox, W. Hartmann, G. Hitsch, B. Viard, M. Villas-Boas, and N. Vilcassim), Marketing Letters, v16n2 (July 2005).
"The Impact of the 1992 Cable Act on Household Demand and Welfare," RAND Journal of Economics, v31n3 (Autumn 2000), 422-449.
Current Working Papers
"The impact of "rollover" contracts on switching costs in the UK voice market: Evidence from disaggregate customer billing data,"(with Nicola Tosini and Keith Waehrer), June 2011.
- Under revision for resubmission.