Alexander Dobson
Email: alexander.dobson [at]
Research interests:
- Behavioural Welfare Economics
- The Economics of Well-being
- Social Preferences
- Tournament Theory
- Public Economics
- Labour Economics
- Experimental Economics
Ec123/Ec140 - Mathematical Techniques B
Ec345 - Behavioural Economics: Theory and Applications
Ec989 - Behavioural Economics
WESS - Behavioural Economics
Sutton Trust Summer School / Warwick - Economics
Ec109 - Microeconomics 1
Ec202 - Microeconomics 2
Ec221 - Mathematical Economics
Ec226 - Econometrics 1
Ec331 - Research in Applied Economics
Research Project Tips from the Department's Professors
- Technical/software help
- Class slides:
Ec345 - Behavioural Economics: Theory and Applications
Ec941 - Game Theory
Advice and Feedback Hours
2024-25 Term 2
My Advice and Feedback hours in week 6 of Term 2 will be Wednesday 9 - 11, in person in S0.62 or via Teams (whichever you prefer), sign up for a slot below. If you would like to meet via Teams, please let me know in advance by email so that I can call you at the scheduled time.
Affiliated with CRETA