Happiness, Adaptation, and Prediction Conference at Harvard University, 14th September 2007
International Conference on Happiness, Adaptation, and Prediction at Harvard University
14th of September 2007
Andrew Oswald, Warwick University
Richard Easterlin, University of Southern California
Daniel Gilbert, Harvard University
Timothy Wilson, University of Virginia

Amanda Goodall, Daniel Gilbert, Nattavudh Powdthavee at the Reception

Dick Easterlin, Andrew Oswald, Daniel Gilbert

Daniel Kahneman and Max Bazerman

Timothy Wilson, Andrew Oswald, Daniel Gilbert

Amanda Goodall, Richard Easterlin, Anke Zimmermann

You tell them, Andrew...

The participants

Daniel Gilbert and Andrew Oswald

A happy Andrew Clark

A thoughtful Rafael Di Tella with Peter Ubel and Dan Ariely in the background

Alois Stutzer

Group photo

Richard Easterlin and Anke Zimmermann

OsPowd (the other way round): Nattavudh Powdthavee and Andrew Oswald

The happy professors: Andrew Oswald and Daniel Gilbert

A perfect end to a perfect conference: Richard Easterlin and Andrew Oswald
Page moderator: Nattavudh Powdthavee