Dennis Leech's Published (and Forthcoming) Research
Articles in Refereed Journals:
"Is Comprehensive Education Really Free? A Case Study of the Effects of Secondary School Admissions Policies on House Prices in One Local Area" (with Erick Campos), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Statistics in Society, vol. 166, 2003, Part 1, pp.1-20, forthcoming.
"Corporate Governance and Game Theoretic Analyses of Shareholder Power: the Case of Spain", (with Miquel Manjon), Applied Economics, forthcoming.
“Shareholder Voting Power and Ownership Control of Companies”, Homo Oeconomicus, XIX(3), 2002, pp. 345-373.
"Designing the Voting System for the EU Council of Ministers”, Public Choice, vol. 113, part 3-4, December 2002, pp.437-464, forthcoming.
“Voting Power in the Governance of the International Monetary Fund”, Annals of Operations Research, Special Issue on Game Practice, vol.109, 2002, pp 373-395.
“Corporate Governance in Spain (with an Application of the Power Indices Approach)" (with Miquel Manjon), European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 13, 2002, pp157-173.
"An Empirical Comparison of the Performance of Classical Power Indices”, Political Studies, vol. 50, no.1, March 2002, pp.1-22.
“Shareholder Voting Power and Corporate Governance: A Study of Large British Companies”, Nordic Journal of Political Economy, vol. 27, no. 1, 2001, pp.33-54.
"The Effect of Shareholding Dispersion on the Degree of Control in British Companies: Theory and Measurement," (with John Cubbin), reprinted (see below) in K. Keasey, S. Thompson and M. Wright (eds), Corporate Governance, Edward Elgar: Critical Writings in Economics vol 2 (of 4) May 1999, pp.61-80.
"Top Pay, Company Performance and Corporate Governance", (with Martin Conyon), Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol 56, no. 3, August 1994, 229-247 .
"Empirical Analysis of the Distribution of a priori Voting Power: Some Results for the British Labour Party Conference and Electoral College using Power Indices for Simple Games," European Journal of Political Research, vol. 21, no. 3 (March-April) 1992, 245-265.
"Ownership Structure, Control Type Classifications and the Performance of Large British Companies", (with J. Leahy), Economic Journal, vol. 101, No. 6 (November) 1991.
"Power Indices and Probabilistic Voting Assumptions," Public Choice, vol. 66, (1990), 293-299.
"The Relationship between Shareholding Concentration and Shareholder Voting Power in British Companies: a Study of the Application of Power Indices for Simple Games," Management Science, Vol.34, No.4, April 1988, 509-527.
"Ownership Concentration and Controi n Large U.S. Corporations in the 1930s: an Analysis of the T.N.E.C. Sample," Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. XXXV, No. 3, March 1987, 333-342.
"Ownership Concentration and the Theory of the Firm: a Simple-Game-Theoretic Approach," Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. XXXV, No. 3, March 1987, 225-240.
"Corporate Ownership and Control: a New Look at the Evidence of Berle and Means," Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 39, September 1987, 534-551.
"Growth versus Profit Maximisation: a Simultaneous Equations Approach to Testing the Marris Model", (with JohnCubbin), Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 7, June 1986, 123-31.
"The Effect of Shareholding Dispersion on the Degree of Control in British Companies: Theory and Measurement", (with John Cubbin), Economic Journal, Vol. 93, June 1983, 351-369.
"Generalised Regression Estimation from Grouped Observations: a Generalisation and an Application to the Explanation of Mortality Rates", (with Keith Cowling), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (General), Vol. 145, Part 2, 1982, 208-223.
"Relative Earnings in UK Manufacturing - a Reconsideration of the Evidence", (with Stuart Wabe), Economic Journal, Vol. 88, June 1978, 296-313.
"Import Penetration in the UK Passenger Car Market: a Cross Section Study", (with John Cubbin), Applied Economics, Vol.10, 1978, 289-303.
"Testing the Error Specification in Nonlinear Regression," Econometrica, Vol. 43, No. 4, July 1975, 719-725.
"A Forecast of Milk Supply in England and Wales", (with David Colman), Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. XXI, No. 2, June 1970, 253-265.
Departmental Working Papers:
"Power Indices as an Aid to Institutional Design: the Generalised Apportionment Problem", Warwick Economic Research Papers, Number 648. Warwick Economic Research Papers, Number 648, August 2002
"The Use of Coleman's Power Indices to Inform the Choice of Voting Rule with Reference to the IMF Governing Body and the EU Council of Ministers", Warwick Economic Research Papers, Number 645, July 2002.
"Computation of Power Indices", Warwick Economic Research Papers, Number 644, July 2002.
"Incentives to Corporate Governance Activism", Warwick Economic Research Papers, Number 632, March 2002.
"Is Comprehensive Education Really Free? A Study of the Effects of Secondary School Admissions Policies on House Prices", Warwick Economic Research Papers, Number 581, (with Erick Campos) Revised December 2001. To be published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A: Statistics in Society.
[This research has received much publicity, having been featured in The Economist ("What price a good school?", April 14, 2001), The Guardian ("House prices up to 20% higher in areas with good state schools, study shows", April 03 2001), The Times ("Pay up for the place you want", April 5th, 2001; "School bell tolls for buyers", June 16th, 2001) and many others. Most recently in an Independent leader, 17th December 2001.]
"Computing Classical Power Indices for Large Finite Voting Games", Warwick Economic Research Paper Number 579, Revised January 2002. Under review, Management Science.
"Fair Reweighting of the Votes in the EU Council of Ministers and the Choice of Majority Requirement for QMV During Successive Enlargements", Warwick Economic Research Papers, Number 587, April, 2001. Also CSGR Working Papernumber 75/01, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, Warwick University. Also VPP Report number 03/01, Voting Power and Procedures Programme, CPNSS, London School of Economics. Public Choice, forthcoming.
"Members' Voting Power in the Governance ofthe International Monetary Fund", Warwick Economic Research Papers, Number 583, December 2000. Also CSGR Working Paper number 68/01, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, Warwick University. Annals of Operations Research forthcoming.
"Shareholder Power and Corporate Governance," Warwick Economic Research Papers Number 564, May 2000. Presented to the conference Ownership and Economic Performance, Oslo, Norway, May 2000.
"Minority Control: A Study of British Companies using Voting Power Indices," Warwick Economic Research Papers, Number 529, March 1999. Presented to the conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, Turin, Italy, September 1999.
"The Ownership and Control of Spanish Firms: Corporate Governance and Game Theoretic Analyses of Shareholder Power," mimeo, September 1999. (with Miquel Manjon), Documents de Treball del Departament d'Economia, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, No 4, Presented to the the European Economic Association meetings, Santiago de Compostella, Spain, September 1999. Applied Economics, forthcoming.
"Power Relations in the International Monetary Fund: a Study of the Political Economy of A Priori Voting Power using the Theory of Simple Games," Centre for the Study of Globalisationand Regionalisation, University of Warwick, Discussion Paper, 06/98, May 1998. Abstract. Full Text. Published on the World Wide Web in the following SSRN electronic journal: International Finance(WPS) Vol.4 No.20 July 29, 1999, at, also Samsung Economic Research Institute, Seoul (translated into Korean) at Revised March 2000 presented to the International Studies Association Meetings, Los Angeles, March 2000; also the Royal Economic Society Conference, Warwick, March 1998; also the conference Non-State Actors and Authority in the Global System (preliminary), University of Warwick, October/November, 1997.