Devesh Rustagi

Devesh Rustagi
Assistant Professor
Research Affiliations
Contact details
Email: Devesh dot Rustagi at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S2.126
Advice and feedback hours: Tuesdays 12:00-13:00
About me
I study the origins of culture and institutions, how these two forces interact, and the effect this interaction has on economic outcomes. I then build on these insights to design and evaluate public policies. I achieve this by combining quasi-experimental approaches and randomized field experiments with behavioral experiments. My current projects are based in Ethiopia, Germany, India, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
Research Interests
- Behavioral Economics
- Development Economics
- Economic History
- Environmental Economics
- Political economy
Conditional Cooperation and Costly Monitoring Explain Success in Forest Commons ManagementLink opens in a new window, with Stefanie Engel and Michael Kosfeld, 2010, Science.
Leader Punishment and Cooperation in Groups: Experimental Field Evidence from Commons Management in EthiopiaLink opens in a new window, with Michael Kosfeld, 2015, American Economic Review.
Measuring Honesty and Explaining Adulteration in Naturally Occurring Markets, with Markus Kroell, 2022, Journal of Development Economics.
Historical Self Governance and Norms of Cooperation, 2024, Econometrica.