Gokul Gopalan Ramachandran
Gokul is a ESRC funded PhD candidate at the Department of Economics. He is interested in causality and panel-data econometrics. His current work is on inference of Granular Instrumental Varialbles (Gabaix and Koijen 2022) with finite cross-section. Gokul has a Masters from Princeton University and a Bachelors in Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India. Before starting MRes, he was a civil servant in India and held leadership positions in economic development roles in local and state governments.
Office Hours (For EC 203)
Time: Friday 9 to 11 AM
Where: S 1.137 (or online). Please email!
Contact Details
Personal Website: gokulgopalan.github.ioLink opens in a new window
Email: gokul.gr@warwick.ac.uk
Twitter: @gokul_grLink opens in a new window