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Ilan Kremer

Curriculum Vitae

Contact details

Telephone: +44 (0)24 765 72522

Fax: +44 (0)24 765 23032

Email: I dot Kremer at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S1.101

Advice and feedback hours: Wed 12:00-14:00

Fields of specialization

  • Financial Economics
  • Information Economics
  • Game Theory

Office Hour

Term 3 Tuesday 10:00am:-11:30 (On Teams- link  sign up here)


1) “Information aggregation in common value auctions,” Econometrica, vol.70: 4, July 2002.

2) “Divisible good auctions: The role of allocation rules,” with Kjell Nyborg, Rand Journal of Economics, vol. 35(1), Spring 2004.

3) “Diversification as a Public Good: Community Effects in Portfolio Choice,” with Peter DeMarzo and Ron Kaniel, Journal of Finance, vol. 59: 4, August 2004.

4) “Underpricing and Market Power in Uniform Price Auctions,” with Kjell Nyborg, Review of Financial Studies, vol. 17, July 2004.

5) “The Relationship between the Allocation of Goods and a Seller's Revenue,” with Matt Jackson, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 40 (June, 2004), pp.371-392

6) “On the Informational Inefficiency of Discriminatory Price Auctions,” with Mathew Jackson, Journal of Economic Theory, (2007) 132(1) pp. 507-517

7) “Bidding with Securities - Auctions and Security Design,” with Peter DeMarzo and Andy Skrzypacz, American Economic Review (AER) 2005-10-31

8) "Ratings, certifications and grades: dynamic signaling and market breakdown.", joint work with Andrzej Skrzypacz, Journal of Economic Theory (2007) 133(1) pp. 58-82

9) “Envy-Freeness and Implementation in Large Economies,” with Matt Jackson, Review of Economic Design, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 185-198, 2007.

10) “The Relevance of a Choice of Auction Format in a Competitive Environment,” with Mathew Jackson, Review of Economics Studies. (REStud) (2006) 73 (4): 961-981

11) “Technological Innovations and Real Investment Booms and Busts”, with Peter DeMarzo and Ron Kaniel, Journal of Financial Economics (2007) 85(3) 735-754

12) ”Relative Wealth Concerns, and Financial Bubbles,” with Peter DeMarzo and Ron Kaniel, Review of Financial Studies (RFS) 2008 21(1) 19-50

13) “Price drift as an outcome of difference in higher order beliefs”, joint work with Snehal Banerjee and Ron Kaniel, Review of Financial Studies (RFS) 2009, 22(9):3707-3734


14) “Dynamic Patterns of Trading Volume and Disagreement" joint work with Snehal Banerjee, Journal of Finance 2010, 65(4):1269-1302

15) "Endogenous Information Flows and the Clustering of Announcements" joint work with Viral Acharya, and Peter DeMarzo. American Economic Review (AER) 2011, 101(7) 2955-79

16) “Implementing the "Wisdom of the Crowd"” joint work with Yishay Mansour and Motty Perry, Journal of Political Economy (JPE) 2014 122 (5)

17) “Not Only What But also When: A Theory of Dynamic Voluntary Disclosure” joint work with Ilan Guttman and Andy Skrzypacz, American Economic Review (AER) 2014 104(8): 2400-2420

18) "Ordering and Revenue in Sequential Auctions: A Natural Experiment from the Market for Art" (w/ Harrison Hong, Jeffrey Kubik, Jianping Mei, Michael Moses) Rand Journal of Economics, Spring 2015

19) "Hannan and Blackwell Meet Black and Scholes: Approachability, Calibration and Robust Option Pricing," joint work with Peter Demarzo and Yishay Mansour, Journal of Economic Theory (JET) 2016 Volume 163

20) “Optimal Recurrence Dynamic Auctions” joint work with Zvi Wiener and Eyal Winter, International Journal of Game Theory 2016

21) “Evidence Games: Truth and Commitment" joint work with Sergiu Hart and Motty Perry, American Economic Review (AER) 2017 107(3) 690-713

22) " Test Design and Minimum Standards" (with Peter DeMarzo and Andrzej Skrzypacz) American Economic Review June 2019

23) "Experimenting with Career Concerns" With Marina Halac, AEJ: Micro 2020

24)" The Effect of Exogenous Information on Voluntary Disclosure and Market QualityLink opens in a new window" with Ilan GuttmanLink opens in a new window and Sivan Frenkel, Journal of Financial Economics 2020

25) "Raising Capital from Hetrogenous Investors," joint work with Marina Halac and Eyal Winter, American Economic Review 2020

26) "Crowd learning without herding: A mechanism design approach" joint work with Jacob Glazer and Motty Perry, Management Science 2021

27)"Disclosing a Random Walk" joint work with Amnon Schreiber and Andrzej Skrzypacz, Journal of Finance, November 2023

28) "On the Voluntary Disclosure of Redundant InformationLink opens in a new window" (with Snehal BanerjeeLink opens in a new window, Bradyn Breon-DrishlLink opens in a new window, and Ron KanielLink opens in a new window) Journal of Economic Theory (forthcoming)

29) "Monitoring Teams." joint work with Marina Halac and Eyal Winter, AEJ: Micro (forthcoming)

30) "Persuasion with Multiple Actions" joint work with Davit Khantadze and Andrzej Skrzypacz Journal of Political Economy (JPE) (forthcoming)

Non Finance/Economics (Computer science papers)

1) “On randomized one round communication complexity,” with Dana Ron and Noam Nisan, Computational Complexity, 8: 1, June 1999. Extended abstract appeared in the proceedings of STOC95.

2) “Online Algorithms and Option Pricing”, joint work with Peter Demarzo and Yishay Mansour, FOCS 2006


EC9A1 Advanced Microeconomic Theory