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Jeffery Round

Curriculum Vitae

Contact details


Advice & feedback hours: By appointment (via email).

Emeritus Reader

Research Interests

  • Development Policy Modelling; CGE and input-output modelling
  • Social accounting methods and Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs)
  • Regional economic modelling

Short Biography

1966-1968 Lecturer in Economics, UCW Aberystwyth, University of Wales

1968-1970 Harkness Fellowship, Harvard University

1970-1991 Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Warwick

1976 Consultant, Development Research Center, World Bank

1981 Visiting Associate Professor, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University

1991-2006 Reader in Economics, University of Warwick, (until retirement)

plus various research, advisory and consulting projects with the World Bank, DFID, ILO, UNDP, UNU-WIDER and the European Commission.

Selected Publications

(with G. Pyatt), 'Accounting and Fixed Price Multipliers in a Social Accounting Matrix Framework', Economic Journal, December 1979, Vol.89, No.356: 850-873.

'Decomposing Multipliers for Economic Systems Involving Regional and World Trade', Economic Journal, June 1985, Vol.95: 383-399.

(with G. Pyatt) (eds.), Social Accounting Matrices: A Basis for Planning, Development Research Department, Symposium Series, The World Bank, Washington D.C., September 1985.

‘Constructing SAMs for Development Policy Analysis: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead', Economic Systems Research, Vol 15 No 2, 2003:161-184.

‘Social Accounting Matrices and SAM-based Multiplier Analysis’, Chapter 14 in F Bourguignon, and L A Pereira da Silva (editors) Techniques and Tools for Evaluating the Poverty Impact of Economic Policies, World Bank and Oxford University Press, September 2003: 301-324.

(with M Odedokun) ‘Determinants of Income Inequality and its Effects on Economic Growth: Evidence from African Countries’, African Development Review, 16 (2) 2004: 287-327.

(with G Pyatt) ‘Multiplier Effects and the Reduction of Poverty’, in Alain de Janvry and Ravi Kanbur (editors) Poverty, Inequality and Development, Essays in Honour of Erik Thorbecke, Springer, 2006: 233-260.

(with J Whalley) ‘Globalisation and Poverty: implications of the South Asian experience for the wider debate’, in M Bussolo and J I Round (eds) Globalisation and Poverty: Channels and Policy Responses, Routledge, 2006: 74-86.

(with G Pyatt) ‘Distribution Invariance and the Design of SAMs’, Economic Systems Research, Vol 24, No 3, 2012: 251-274.

‘Graham Pyatt: Accounting for Development’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, forthcoming 2025.