Maxine Thacker
Maxine Thacker
Student Recruitment and Widening Participation Officer
Responsible to
Bozena Beauclair, Marketing and External Engagement Manager
Professional Services Team OrganogramContact details
Phone: 28569
Email: Maxine dot Thacker at warwick dot ac dot uk
Office: S2.133
Working hours: Monday to Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm and Fridays 9:00am to 4:00pm
Main Responsibilities
To lead on the development and implementation of a range of recruitment events and activities to attract, convert and admit high calibre students onto a range of undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research programmes delivered by the Department of Economics.
To work closely with the Department's Academic Lead for Widening Participation to promote economics to a diverse audience. To contribute to the design and implementation of initiatives in order to increase the number of students from under represented backgrounds and lead on the organisation and promotion of such events.
About me
I joined the Department of Economics in September 2021. Before this I held a number of roles in Warwick Conferences including Sales Manager, Events Manager and Duty Manager.