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Your first port of call for any Undergraduate enquiries should be the office in:

Room S0.98
Come along in person
Monday to Thursday 8am - 4:45pm
Friday 8am - 3:45pm
P:+44 (0) 24 7652 3933

Your first port of call for any MSc enquiries should be the office in:

Room S0.91
Come along in person
Monday to Thursday 8am - 5:00pm
Friday 8am - 4:00pm
P:+44 (0) 24 7652 3027

Your first port of call for any Diploma enquiries should be the office in:

Room S0.91
Come along in person
Monday to Thursday 8am - 5:00pm
Friday 8am - 4:00pm
P:+44 (0) 24 7652 3027

Your first port of call for any MRes enquiries should be the office in:

Room S0.90
Come along in person
Monday to Thursday 8am - 5:00pm
Friday 8am - 4:00pm
P:+44 (0) 24 7657 3452

Your feedback matters... (NSS)

We really value student feedback about all aspects of the student experience and your participation in the NSS is another important way of communicating to us your thoughts, opinions and suggestions. Thank you to all students who have participated in NSS 2017 - see details.

Exam support and wellbeing

We take your personal wellbeing seriously, especially during the stressful exam time period, and there is lots of advice, help and support provided by the Department.

Economics, Politics and International Studies (EPAIS)

Multidisciplinary degree delivered the Department of Economics and the Department of Politics and International Studies. Both departments aim to enable you to reach your full potential during your time here.
See EPAIS for further information

Life after Warwick, what's next?

Visit the Economics careers webpage to access personalised career advice for Economics students, see the latest job vacancies and access a vast number of resources tailored to you.

Anonymous Feedback Form

We really appreciate and value student feedback. If you have any feedback regarding your studies, the Department or the University, please do let us know.

Follow. Connect. Engage.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with the latest news and events from across the Department, the University and a range of external organisations.