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Neil Lloyd

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Neil Lloyd

Assistant Professor (Teaching Focussed)

Research Affiliation


  • UG & MSc Econometrics and Applied Research


Student Progression Working Group

Contact details

Email: Neil dot Lloyd at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S1.117

Advice and feedback hours

Please email to make an appointment outside of this schedule or if all slots are full.

Download my CV

I joined the Department of Economics in August 2021 with an educatin focus, specializing in Econometrics and undegraduate research. I have overseen the development and delivery of the department's Academic Writing Skills programme, in collaboration with Warwick Foundation Studies. I also co-lead on the undergraduate Data Team, which delivers detailed analyses of student performance and engagement on a regular basis to senior leadership within the department.

My research interests are in the area of Labour Economics and Applied Microeconometrics. I am particularly interested in the way institutions affect labour market outcomes; for example, collective bargaining, minimum wages, taxation, and family policy. I am also interested in other Applied Microeconomics fields, including Development Economics, Health Economics, and Economic History.

I completed my PhD at Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia, Canada, specialising in Labour Economics. I also completed a 1-year taught Master’s degree in Economics at UBC and my undergraduate degree was in Economics & Economic History, with Honours in Economics, from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

I am an accredited Fellow of Advanced HE (FHEA).

Research Interests

Teaching (2024/25)

  • Applied Microeconometrics
  • Applied Microeconomics fields, including:
    • Labour Economics
    • Public Policy
    • Development
    • Health
  • EC226 - Econometrics 1
  • EC331 - Research in Applied Economics
  • EC338 - Econometrics 2: Microeconometrics
  • EC346 - Research Methods in Economics
  • EC349 - Data Science for Economists
  • EC910/EC987 - Quantitative Methods: Econometrics B
  • EC959 - MSc Dissertation

Journal Publications

1. Fortin, N., Lemieux, T., & Lloyd, N. (2023). Right-to-work laws, unionization, and wage setting, Research in Labor Economics, 50, pp. 285-326.

2. Fortin, N., Lemieux, T., & Lloyd, N. (2021). Labour Market Institutions and the Distribution of Wages: The Role of Spillover Effects, Journal of Labor Economics, 31:S2, S369-S412.

3. Maughan-Brown, B., Lloyd, N., Bor, J.& Venkataramani, A. (2016). Changes in self-reported HIV testing during South Africa's 2010/2011 national testing campaign: gains and shortfalls, Journal of the International AIDS Society, 19:1

4. Lloyd, N. & Leibbrandt, M. (2014). New evidence on subjective well-being and the definition of unemployment in South Africa, Development Southern Africa, 31:1, 85-105

Book Chapters

1. Lloyd, N. & Leibbrandt, M. (2018) "Entry into and exit from informal enterprise ownership in South Africa" in Fourie, F. (ed.), The South African Informal Sector: Creating Jobs, Reducing Poverty, HSRC Press, South Africa.