Book Reviews
E. Malinvaud, Lectures in Microeconomic Theory (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1972); in the Economic Journal 83 (1973), 543–5.
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J.R. Green and J.-J. Laffont, Incentives in Public Decision-Making (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1979); in the Economic Journal 90 (1980), 407–8.
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H.I. Greenfield, A.M. Levenson, W. Hamovitch, and E. Rotwein (eds.), Theory for Economic Efficiency: Essays in Honor of Abba P. Lerner (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1979); in the Economic Journal 90 (1980), 667–9.
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J. Tinbergen, Production, Income and Welfare: The Search for an Optimal Social Order (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1985); in the Journal of Economic Literature 25 (1987), 1316–7.
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K. Binmore and P.S. Dasgupta (eds.), Economic Organizations as Games and The Economics of Bargaining (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986 and 1987); in The Manchester School (1987), 319–21.
J. Elster and A. Hylland (eds.), Foundations of Social Choice Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986); in Ethics 100 (1989), 190–1.
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T. Groves, R. Radner and S. Reiter (eds.), Information, Incentives, and Economic Mechanisms: Essays in Honor of Leonid Hurwicz (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987); in the Journal of Economic Literature 28 (1990), 1197–8.
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R. Hardin, Morality within the Limits of Reason (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988); in Economics and Philosophy 7 (1991), 300–8.
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J. Broome, Counting the Cost of Global Warming (Cambridge: White Horse Press, 1992); in Social Choice and Welfare 14 (1997), 465–7.
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