Subham Kailthya
Curriculum Vitae
Contact details
Telephone: +44 (0)24 761 50047
Email: Subham dot Kailthya at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S1.113
Term 3: by email.
Director of Student Experience and Progression (UG) - Term 1
About me
My work lies at the intersection of political economics and development. I use data to understand the factors that increase firm-level productivity, examine how political competition affects public provision, and how public policies can build climate resilience in the tropics.
I am currently Director of Student Experience and Progression (Term 1).
You can find more information on my personal website [here].Link opens in a new window
Research Interests
- Analysis of firm productivity
- Transportation and Economic Activity
- Impact of Weather Shocks
- Applied Micro.
- EC122: Statistical Techniques A (Module Leader)
- EC902: Quantitative Methods: Econometrics A (Lecturer + Tutor)
- EC976: Econometrics (WBS, tutor)
- EC331: Research in Applied Economics
- EC959: MSc Dissertation Supervision
Research Papers
Kailthya, S. and Kambhampati, U., (2022) Road to Productivity: Effects of Roads on Total Factor Productivity in Indian Manufacturing, Journal of Comparative Economics. [link]
Kailthya, S. and Kambhampati, U. (2022), Political Competition and Public Health, World Development, [link]
Hui, N., Kailthya, S. and Kambhampati, U.(2015) Infrastructural Development and Firm Efficiency in India (1999–2007), Review of Development and Change, Vol XX, No.2 [link]