Thomas Martin
Contact details
Dr. Thomas Martin
Telephone: +44 (0)24 765 28413
Fax: +44 (0)24 765 23032
Room: S1.110
Advice and feedback hours 2024/25: Thursday 2.30-4.30pm in S1.110. Hours are run on a first come first serve basis there is no need to book.
Teaching: Research in Applied Economics (RAE/EC331), Econometrics (EC976), Applied Econometrics (EC203), Development Economics Micro (EC233), Mathematical/Statistical techniques (EC123/4), MSc Intro Maths/Stats (EC961), Warwick Economics Summer School (WESS: econometrics/microeconomics).
Research Interests
- Applied microeconometrics
- Development economics
- Education economics
- Welfare measurement
- Impact evaluation