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OHODs 2023

Professor Caroline Elliott

0:11 Hello. My name's Professor Caroline Elliott and I'm Deputy Head of Department with responsibility for Teaching and Learning in the Economics Department, here at the University of Warwick.

0:22 I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to our forthcoming offer holder events. These will take place on the 13th of May, in-person, and on the 24th-25th May, online.

0:35 You may not have attended one of our Open Days in the past, in which case these are a great opportunity to find out more about the University and the Department. But even if you have attended on of our Open Days in the past, it is still worth attending one of these offer-holder events, because these tend to be smaller and a little more intimate, and hence you've got an opportunity to ask questions more specific to yourselves.

1:01 At these events, we have an opportunity to hopefully show off our vibrant community here at the University of Warwick, and in the Economics Department, because we are really proud of our community. So for example, at the moment we're organising a first-year dinner in which the students will also get to play economics games and experiments, and we are currently arranging our second year bowling trip.

1:29 At our offer holder events, you'll find out more about the student experience and about the modules that you'll study. You'll have the opportunity to hear from colleagues and from students, and you'll have the opportunity to ask them questions. You'll also hear more about the career opportunities that will be available to you when you graduate, even if that seems a long way into the future right now.

1:55 So, I hope I will get to meet you either in-person or online at our forthcoming offer holder events. In the meantime, there are opportunities to find out more information about the Department from our webpages. Thank you.