Knowledge at work
The major topics are given in the left-hand menu.
Other relevant resources include:
Billett S (2001) Knowing in practice: Re-conceptualising vocational expertise
Learning and Instruction 11 (6) 431-452. Importance of relations between the individuals acting and the social practice in which they act are proposed as bases for knowing and performance --- knowing in practice.
Eraut, M. (2003) Learning During the First Three Years of Postgraduate Employment – The LiNEA Project, Paper presented to the ECER 2003 Conference, Padua, August 2003. Conversations with informants about daily working life: tasks, relationships, situational understandings, implicit theories in a study into the learning of graduates working in nursing, engineering and accountancy in the first few years after graduation.
Eraut, M. (2004) Transfer of knowledge between Education and Workplace settings, in H.Rainbird, A.Fuller and H.Munro (Eds) Workplace Learning in Context
, London: Routledge. Highlights some of the problems involved in discussing the use of knowledge at work: Only knowledge acquired in formal educational settings is easily brought to mind, articulated and discussed; Tacit, personal knowledge and the skills essential for work performance tend to be taken for granted and omitted from accounts; Often the most important workplace tasks and problems require an integrated use of several different kinds of knowledge, and the integration of those components is itself a tacit process.
Eraut, M. (2007) Professional knowledge and learning at work
, Knowledge, Work and Society, 45-62. Understanding professional work requires both socio-cultural approaches to knowledge creation and the negotiation of what counts as competence and expertise, and individual or group perspectives on the development of knowledge in action. The holistic, context and case dependent, and often tacit nature of professional work can also be represented as an integrated combination of different types of knowledge, each developed over a lifetime learning trajectory.
Nerland, M. (2008) Knowledge Cultures and the Shaping of Work-based Learning: The Case of Computer Engineering
, Vocations and Learning Volume 1, Number 1 / March, 2008 1, 1, 49-69.This paper examines how the knowledge culture of computer engineering – that is, the ways in which knowledge is produced, distributed, accumulated and collectively approached within this profession – serve to construct work-based learning in specific ways. The professional domain is characterised by a richness of what may be termed 'epistemic objects', that is, objects marked by their unfolding and question-generating qualities. The paper reveals how these features involve engineers in multiple and coexisting dynamics of objectual practice that provide and constitute opportunities for learning. The paper concludes by discussing some implications of this knowledge culture for individuals and communities alike.
Fuller, A., Unwin, L., Felstead, A., Jewson, N. and Kakavelakis, K. (2007) Creating and using knowledge: an analysis of the differentiated nature of workplace learning environments
. British Educational Research Journal, 33, (5), 743-759.
Bruni, A., Gherardi, S. and Parolin, L. (2007) Knowing in a system of fragmented knowledge
, Mind, Culture, and Activity - TLRP Special Issue
, 14(1&2):83-102. Knowing is a situated activity. Adopting a practice-based approach, this article describes a workplace characterized by technologically dense practices as a setting in which human actors and technological objects work “together.” The case of remote cardiological consultation is paradigmatic of how information and communication technologies (ICT) enter workplaces and reshape them as “systems of fragmented knowledge:” that is, learning settings in which people, symbols, and technologies work jointly to construct and reconstruct understanding of social and organizational action. Working at a distance, therefore, requires the acquisition of skills relative to the mobilization of fragmented knowledge, and the latter's alignment into a fully-fledged work practice. Knowing-in-practice is accomplished by discursive practices: Framing and postscripting, as practices that generate a “space” of signification for the subsequent action; footing, as the dialectic that enables people to align themselves within a predetermined frame and disrupt its coordinates; and delegation to the nonhuman, as the ability of humans to delegate the performance of clinical practice to nonhuman systems, which come to be regarded as active subjects within the remote consultation.