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Getting going with careers information

The module should take between one and two hours to complete. It is divided into three sections. At the end of the last section there is an opportunity to evaluate your experience of the module and offer feedback so that we can improve Getting going with careers information.




The icons on the right hand side of this screen are there to guide you through the information and activities. There is an opportunity to comment at the base of every page and you are also welcome to email with any comments or questions.

The Getting going with careers information module has been mapped against the Qualification in Career Guidance and Development Learning Outcomes. For more information on this click hereLink opens in a new window.

This online module aims to help careers influencers improve their skills in the context of information relevant to the national skills agenda and important to young people making decisions about their future learning and work.

forward icon Move to Careers information and the energy and utilities industries: an introduction



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Icons to help guide you through the online module:

 forward_icon Next page
 information_icon Information & resources
activity_icon Activity


 further_information_icon Further information & learning
 assessment_icon Self-assessment
 evaluation_icon Evaluation