Justice System Workshops

What is involved?
A one hour interactive workshop to give students an insight into the Criminal Justice System and an understanding of the different courts in England and Wales - something we think that everyone should know about, regardless of whether or not they are thinking about a career in law
Our student ambassadors will present a real case from the Crown Court, and explain the role of the judge, jury, defence and prosecution. In teams students will prepare and argue the case for the defence or prosecution before delivering their verdict and sentence!
Booking a workshop
- Workshops can be delivered in local schools in Coventry and Warwickshire, or at the University of Warwick as part of a campus visit for your school
- Designed to take an hour
- Suitable for Year 7-13
- Up to 32 students per workshop (we can run multiple sessions in a day if you have more than one class who are interested)
Priority will be given to state schools in Coventry and Warwickshire with below average exam performance and/or above the national average entitlement to Free School Meals (does my school meet the criteriaLink opens in a new window?).
Like all of our outreach activity, the Justice System Workshops are free