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SYMPOSIUM: Financial Crime Across Disciplines: Perspectives from the Global South

Warwick Law School and the Global South Dialogue on Economic Crime will hold a one-day symposium at the University of Warwick offering a supportive and collaborative environment for participants to present drafts, discuss, and receive peer feedback. This event is organised in collaboration with Lancaster University and the University of Liverpool.

Date: 17 January 2024
Time: TBC
Location: University of Warwick (TBC) and Online

Summary of the proposed special issue to the Journal of Economic Criminology: Financial and economic crimes and measures to combat these crimes are pressing national and international policy concerns in the Global South. Although these crimes pose imminent challenges with dire economic implications, they remain largely under-researched from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The absence of multidisciplinary studies poses a barrier to advancing broader research agenda and the implementation of more comprehensive regulatory responses. Hence, it has become critical to enhance understanding and inform more effective local and transnational responses. This special issue will convene cutting-edge research on the different disciplines within financial and economic crimes to advance thinking on its different perspectives and support nuanced, rigorous and innovative research and responses. Global South perspectives on conceptualising economic crime is similarly broad, acknowledging that a wide range of contexts fall within its scope. The connecting thread of the special issue will be the interdisciplinary embeddedness of economic crimes.

Guest Managing Editor: Professor Louis De Koker (La Trobe University)

Editors: Dr Joy Malala (University of Warwick), Dr Nkechikwu Azinge-Egbiri (Lancaster University), Dr Folashade Adeyemo (University of Liverpool), Dr Lovina Otudor (GSDEC) and Chukwuemeka Nwabuzor (University of Warwick)

Call for Papers

We are particularly interested in submissions related to the following areas as they apply across disciplines of financial and economic crime, regulation, public policy, and international relations:

Topics that would be of particular interest for submissions to this special issue cut across three key themes: Law, Society and Technology but are not limited to them. We welcome contributions centred on:

  • Governance of Institutions
  • Innovative Theory Development and Under-Researched Actors
  • Economic and Financial Crimes such as Fraud, Tax Evasion, Money Laundering, Terrorism, Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Illicit Financial Flows
  • Environmental Crimes and Sustainability
  • Global Crime Combating and Global Standards
  • Technology, Crime and Crime Combating
  • Financial Crime, FinTech, Virtual Assets, RegTech and SupTech
  • Intended and Unintended Consequences of Combating of Financial Crime

We aim to showcase empirical studies focusing on diverse themes from various regions of the world, and using sound methodological approaches (qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods). We specifically welcome high-quality contributions from early career researchers including PhD students from any relevant discipline, for example law, data science, criminology, economic crime science, criminal justice, economics, computer science, and human geography.


To be considered, please submit a structured abstract (400 words max., covering objectives, methods, results, and conclusions) and a short biography (150 words max.) by 30 October 2023. Submissions will be selected based on their relevance to the theme of the special issue, originality, scientific merit, and overall contribution to the field. If you are keen to contribute but unable to attend in person and have any other questions, please contact: gsdecnetwork at gmail dot com.

Submit PaperLink opens in a new window

Funding and Budget for Travel/Accommodation

Limited funding is available to support participation (for PhD students) thanks to funding awarded by the University of Warwick, University of Liverpool and Lancaster University.

Key Dates

  • Deadline for abstract and biography: 30 October 2023 at 12pm (GMT)
  • Notification of decision: Expected 17 November 2023
  • Early draft of paper to share with symposium: 10 January 2024
  • Conference and symposium: 17-18 January 2024
  • Submission of full manuscript (8,000 - 10,000 words): 22 April 2024
